
Wednesday, June 5, 2013


From Father Frank Pavone

I need your help today to restore some measure of dignity to the babies Kermit Gosnell aborted!

As you know, this abortionist has been convicted of murder for killing babies born alive, and for many other charges as well. And as you may also know, I have requested of the Medical Examiner in Philadelphia to be able to bury the bodies of these babies -- bodies that were found in Gosnell's clinic when it was raided in 2010. But now, to add insult to injury, we are being told that the bodies will not be given to us.

We want to know:

a) Why not? And

b) What is going to be done with these bodies?

That's why I'm mobilizing our forces to act quickly, today, to contact the Medical Examiner by phone to urge him to reconsider. We need to act today, because at any moment, for all we know, these babies could be burned or thrown away as garbage. We simply don't know what they intend to do with them.

We have already given names to these 45 babies, most of whom are in pieces. When Gosnell's mill was raided, they were found in jars, in cat litter boxes and orange juice containers, and in plastic bags in the freezer. Haven't these babies already suffered enough indignity? Isn't it time to honor these bodies with a funeral and a proper burial?

That is exactly what we have asked the Medical Examiner for permission to do. And at first, we received a respectful reply saying our request was being considered. But after a few weeks, we were told that the decision was made not to provide bodies..

And that, of course, leaves two questions unanswered:

a) Why not?

b) What will be done with these babies?

Contact information for the Medical Examiner's Office:


Medical Examiner's Office
Sam P. Gulino, MD, Chief Medical Examiner
David Quain, Forensic Services Director
321 University Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19104
215-685-9465 (fax)

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