
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Our First Moments

Did you know?

It's safe to say, not all of us are aware of our own beginnings.  Many of us are proud to be pro-lifers but are too often ignorant to the origins of life.  This isn't anything to be ashamed of; instead be proud that you are willing to learn, read on and dive into a little biology, besides the rest of us can use a little reminder...  

1 day to 7 weeks
A new individual receives 23 chromosomes from each parent. She is truly a unique individual human being from the very beginning, never to be repeated. A new person has been created, who at this stage is a tiny living organism weighing only 15 ten-millionth of a gram. LIFE BEGINS.
First day of new life: The first cell divides into two, the two into four, and so on. Each of these new cells divides again and again as they travel towards the womb in search of a protected place to grow.

18 days - from conception, heart begins to beat, with the baby's own blood.

28 days - from conception a baby has eyes, ears, and even a tongue!

28 days - from conception: Muscles are developing along future spine. Arms and legs are budding.

30 days - The child has grown 10,000 times to 6-7mm (1/4") long. Blood flows through the veins.

42 days - Skeleton is formed. Brain coordinates movement of muscles and organs. Reflex responses have begun.

42 days - Brain waves can be detected, the jaw forms, including teeth and taste buds. The unborn baby begins to swallow amniotic fluid. Fingers and toes are developing.

45 days - The unborn baby is making body movements, a full 12 weeks before the mother may notice such stirrings. By seven weeks the chest and abdomen are fully formed. Swimming with a natural swimmer's stroke in the amniotic fluid, the baby now looks like a miniature human infant.

44-45 days - Buds of milk teeth appear, and the unborn baby's facial muscles develop. Eyelids begin to form, protecting the developing eyes. Elbows take shape. Internal organs are present. 99% of muscles are present, each with its own nerve supply.

52 days - Spontaneous movements begins. The unborn baby then develops a whole collection of moves over the next 4 weeks including hiccups, frowning, squinting, furrowing the brow, pursing the lips, moving individual arms and legs, head turning, touching his/her face, breathing (without air), stretching, opening the mouth, yawning, and sucking.

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