
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pro-life warriors, this week is the week to step up for the babies in Austin TX. - Governor Perry, #Stand4Life, Senate Bill 5 (SB5) Special Session

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Support Special Session Pro-Life Legislation

6/28/2013 -- Calling all pro-lifers: the new pro-life bill for the 2nd special session could be heard as early as Tuesday, July 2, at 2 pm at the TX Capitol. Prepare a 3 minute testimony on how abortion has hurt you or someone you love. Wear blue. Please join this event page to RSVP and to receive updated dates and times of committee hearings and floor debates.

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Perry Calls 2nd Special Session in Response to Disruption of Passage of Pro-Life Bill

6/27/2013 AUSTIN, TX -- Monday Governor Perry called a second special legislative session only sixteen hours after the first special session ended to consider the regulation of abortion procedures, providers and facilities. Perry stated that, "We will not allow the breakdown of decorum and decency to prevent us from doing what the people of this state hired us to do."

Late Tuesday night the Texas Senate nearly passed Senate Bill 5 (SB 5) at the end of the special session. SB 5, a pro-life bill to improve safety standards for women and unborn children at abortion facilities, was strongly supported by Texas Alliance for Life and a broad coalition of pro-life organizations. At ~11:45 PM, a large, disruptive crowd of protestors in the Senate gallery erupted and drowned out the debate through midnight.

Joe Pojman, Ph. D., Executive Director of Texas Alliance for Life said, "We are disappointed that a disruptive mob in the gallery prevented the Legislature's successful passage of this common sense measure, but we are thrilled for this opportunity to pass legislation that will increase safety standards at abortion facilities across Texas. "

Check with your local church as they may have a caravan going to Austin.

Know Your Rights: Free Speech and the Right to Protest | - The American Civil...

The right to protest is a long-standing protection afforded by the U.S. and Texas constitutions. Dow...

ATTENTION!! This is our opposition. These are tweets, FB pages and web site from the Pro Choice camp, to let you know how they are organizing. It appears some are planning an OCCUPY situation at the Capitol starting Monday. It also appears this will involve between 7,000-20,000, according to their sources and Carol Everett of the Heidi Group. We need to be a presence. follow the opposition in real time.
#KBV2 - Who is talking about #KBV2 on TWITTER
Check who's talking about #KBV2 right now on TWITTER
6:58pm  Andy Moore  excuse my ignorance but what does kbv2 stand for?
7:00pm  Brazos Valley Conservatives
Kill The Bill - Volume 2  Monday at 10:00am
Texas Capitol Building in Austin, Texas
Join · 7,020 people are going  7:00pm  Andy Moore
Brazos Valley Conservatives
here are their objectives - basically, show up in force on Monday and stay all month -
#KBV2 - Who is talking about #KBV2 on TWITTER

Life Blast Prolife Social Media Project posted in #Stand4Life TweetFest: Grassroots Campaign to Pass Texas Pro-Life Bill

UPDATE: Please Invite, invite, invite (use...
Life Blast Prolife Social Media Project6:28am Jun 30
UPDATE: Please Invite, invite, invite (use "Invite Friends" button above). I guarantee that we can get #Stand4Life trending if we get approximately 5,000 attending this event. We've done it before. We can do it again. Get inviting!

(The reason we need to get #Stand4Life trending is to demonstrate to the media, legislators and public that most Americans support the #Texas #Prolife bill.)

#ProLifeFollowChain RT Join The ➙ #Grassroots TweetFest 2 pass the #ProLife bill in #TX ➙ use ➙ #Stand4Life #ProLife


Gov. Rick Perry has called for a second special session at the Texas Legislature so that the Pro-Life Omnibus Bill can be voted on again.

HB2 (Former SB5) the Omnibus Pro-Life Bill has been filed. The bill will be heard in the House State Affairs Committee on Tuesday, July 2nd at 12:00 noon.

**Students for Life of America is sponsoring a Texas #Stand4Life Team to head to the Texas State Capitol the week of July 8th - email Brendan O'Morchoe at to join in or get more information!
What you can do about Senate Bill 5 (SB5) 
 We have been bombarded with phone calls, text messages, Facebook posts and tweets about what we should do during this second session.
We are currently waiting for the bill to be filed. You might have heard that a committee hearing will be on Tuesday but this has not been confirmed. Representative Laubenberg has filed House Bill 2 but it may not be the bill that is debated this session. We do know it will not be called Senate Bill 5 again. 
So we ask for your patience. When we know the bill that will be debated and the most effective and efficient time to be in Austin, we will let you know via Facebook, Twitter (@SACFL) and email. We are working with prolife groups across Texas and some even outside of the state to make sure we come in overwhelming numbers ...peacefully and prayerfully. 
Starting right now you can certainly PRAY! For legislators on both sides, for prolifers to get active, for abortion supporters to have a change of heart and in thanksgiving for all that God has done so far.
Also, if you are able, you can listen to KKYX on Monday morning at about 8:45am. I will be on the air with Krissie Mornin to talk about this legislation and our organization. If they take calls please call in! Click here to listen online. 
Here are some of the events happening Monday that were confirmed as I was finishing the email. SACFL is not going to be an official part of these but we will assemble a group and caravan for the committee hearings and debates on the floor.  

10am-5pm Stand4Life prayer on the second floor of the Rotunda in the capitol

11:30am Press conference with Senator Donna Campbell and post abortive women

12pm Prayer with red LIFE tape in peaceful prayer at the Planned Parenthood rally on the south steps.

If you plan to go please wear blue and if you are on Facebook or Twitter be sure to use the hashtag #Stand4Life. You can also use the below cover photo.

There is a possibility of free tshirts coming soon. Please email with your name and size(s) if you are interested.
To view this email as a web page, go here.

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Recently, I praised members of the House of Representatives for passing H.R. 1787 - a bill which bans abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy We have made great strides on protecting life since 2003, when I led the fight to ban partial birth abortions. This was an important step to preserving and protecting life.  
Now we have another opportunity to take a step for life, going toe-to-to against abortion supporters in Texas.
On Monday, July 1st, the Texas legislature will reconvene for a special session to vote on Senate Bill 5 which will outlaw abortions after 20 weeks.

You may recall last week the attention that Texas State Senator Wendy Davis received for filibustering this legislation, and you may be even more familiar with the misguided praise she's received from the liberal media for her efforts.
Well, we're giving this issue some attention, too.

Patriot Voices has launched a petition which we will deliver to Gov. Rick Perry asking Americans to stand with life and go 'toe-to-toe' against Senator Wendy Davis and anyone else who supports abortion at any time and for any reason.
Will you join us and sign our petition HERE? By signing you are saying this:  

  • Yes! I will go #toe2toe4life against Wendy Davis and anyone else to save an innocent life.
  • Yes! I #StandWithLife in support of Texas Senate Bill 5 (#SB5) which bans abortions after 20 weeks.
  • Yes! I #StandWithLife and agree it was reprehensible for the President of the United States to send a 'shout-out' to Texas State Senator Wendy Davis for her 11-hour filibuster in support of abortion on demand at any stage and for any reason.
  • Yes! I #StandWithLife by applauding Governor Rick Perry for calling the Texas Senate back into a special session so that the Senate body can vote their support for and pass #SB5, a landmark piece of pro-life legislation.
  • Yes! I #StandWithLife because I agree that these precious baby shoes, shown going 'toe-to-toe' with Wendy Davis' filibuster shoes, remind us that we must stand for those who can't stand for themselves!

Join us to #StandWithLife in support of Texas SB5 and all life! Sign our petition today.
And because this is the last day of our Stand Up for the Grassroots Moneybomb, we will donate all gifts made today to crisis pregnancy centers across the country to honor those who #StandWithLife everyday on the front lines. Please consider making a generous donation of $25, $35 or $50 today and it will go towards organizations who #StandWithLife.
Thank you and God Bless America!

Rick Santorum signature
Rick Santorum

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