
Friday, June 28, 2013

The De-Funding of Planned Parenthood

By Dominic Pedulla, MD

Planned Parenthood is now de-funded in the great state of Oklahoma, and you can almost hear already the anguished, exaggerated cries of alarm. Oh the humanity! How will women survive?

The truth is that Planned Parenthood has long already been the enemy of women’s health. Brought into existence by narrow-minded ideologues who saw the great feminine power of creativity as an unfortunate and captive destiny always putting women at a disadvantage, Planned Parenthood always advocated the active disabling – and even poisoning – of a women’s reproductive capacities. And, in typically nervy fashion, they had the temerity to call this “reproductive health”.

Today, with the benefit of scientific hindsight, we can calculate what a disaster this truly has been for Western women. First, we are in the middle of a now 30-year-long epidemic of breast cancer that shows no signs of abating. We know, the experts know, that this is due to “Western-style childbearing”; i.e. a contraceptive lifestyle. This in itself is not surprising because there is absolutely solid, hard scientific data connecting the pill and even abortion with breast cancer, though it won’t be Planned Parenthood (the great provider of mammograms!) that will tell you that.

continue reading this article here 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the great state of Oklahoma! Now let’s hope others states will follow their lead.
