
Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Next 14 Days!

From Matt Smith, President
Catholic Advocate

President Obama took his attack on religion to the international stage earlier this week, telling a crowd in Northern Ireland for the G 8 Summit that parochial education leads to divided communities.

His timing could not be more perfect, because today marks the beginning of the United States Conferences of Catholic Bishops' second annual Fortnight for Freedom.

You may recall last year during this period, Catholic Advocate launched the first ever virtual vigil. This year I'm proud to announce we're doing it again, and with your help it will be even bigger and better.

Will you take a moment right now to sign up for the Virtual Vigil for Religious Liberty?

Over the next 14 days, we'll engage you in a variety of activities to promote religious liberty in America. From calling your members of Congress and supporting our efforts with a financial gift, to reflecting on carefully selected prayers, we hope you'll participate in some way each day.

I'm excited to report that already today, three members of Congress—Rep. Diane Black (TN-06), Joe Pitts (PA-16), and Chris Smith (NJ-4)—held a forum to speak out against the Obama administration's attacks on religious freedom. Over the next two weeks, dozens more events like this will occur throughout the country.

This is an inspiring time to be a person of faith, and I hope you'll take advantage of the unique opportunity to join with thousands of Americans in support of religious liberty for all. Please follow this link to sign up for the Virtual Vigil and start keeping watch today.

1 comment:

  1. "The U.S. bishops have called for a Fortnight for Freedom, a two-week period of prayer and action, to address many current challenges to religious liberty, including the August 1, 2013 deadline for religious organizations to comply with the HHS mandate, Supreme Court rulings that could attempt to redefine marriage in June, and religious liberty concerns in areas such as immigration and humanitarian services."
