
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

This is it.

Susan B. Anthony List

This is it.

This afternoon, the House of Representatives will vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

This comes after years of hard work by pro-life activists across the country, pushing for this bill successfully at the state level and laying the groundwork for a federal version.

Our moment to move this bill nationally came with the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, when pro-lifers successfully forced the media to cover it.

America was confronted with the reality of late-term abortion -- the havoc it wreaks on unborn children and their mothers – and the pro-abortion lobby’s insistence, in the words of Nancy Pelosi, that it is “sacred ground” that must be protected.

Even before the Gosnell trial, polling conducted by Gallup in December 2012 showed that 80 percent of Americans reject 3rd trimester abortions, and 64 percent reject 2nd trimester abortions.

But many doubted these late-term abortions actually happened. Until our movement exposed Gosnell to America – and subsequently, other abortionists who do the exact same thing he did – just inside the womb. Even Nancy Pelosi knows there is no moral difference.

Now is the time to call your Representative immediately.

Tell them a vote against this bill is an endorsement of Gosnell’s House of Horrors.

I hope that by this evening, we can together celebrate passage of this bill in the House, and then resolve to work our very hardest until it is enacted into law.

Together, we can bring true justice to Gosnell’s victims, and ensure what happens to those babies and women never happens again in America. All while courageously fighting to end all abortion in America.

Please, call your Representative now. Help provide the final push to the finish line in the House.

And after you’ve called, pass along this message by forwarding it on to all your lists. Tweet about the bill using #theyfeelpain.

God bless you.

Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave
Vice President for Government Affairs
Susan B. Anthony List

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