
Monday, July 1, 2013


Five month or 20 weeks old unborn child.
By Nancy Oliver

Really? According to the voice of Senator Wendy Davis and those who cheer her as the "Hero” of Texas Pro Choice groups, Texas is taking away the choice of women forcing them to have unwanted babies or forcing them to go to black markets to have the procedures to end that life of which they carry.

Texas Senator Wendy Davis also charges that Governor Rick Perry is pushing SB5 for political purposes. Really? Perry, a pro life man of FAITH when he was elected Governor and Texans dang well knew it if they were not living in caves. Yes…the Governor…the "notorious" Governor now fourteen years and counting...of which the people of Texas are so "stupid" they re-elect him time after time. Well the "stupid" people of Texas under Governor Rick Perry sure have bragging rights, still leading the nation in more ways than one and finding the economy of the state very healthy even in these hard economic times the nation is struggling through.

Yes, there are other states doing very well, but still Texas is #1! Yes, other governors laid the ground work of which governor expanded on. But now Governor Rick Perry was part of the legislature…in fact…the BULL DOG even as a Democrat leading the CONSERVATIVE charge in Texas years prior to holding any other elected office. Governor Perry is accredited with as much of Texas’ success as any in our state now or ever. He only changed parties…never beliefs or agenda. And furthermore, we see how fast Barack Obama following President 43 Bush has taken apart what his predecessors left him in nearly five years now. Perry has had nearly triple as many to do the same, but instead he expanded on the ground work and added tremendously to it.

And Ms. Davis…why did you filibuster? Why it is Texans knew you were going to filibuster before you showed up in those pink tennis shoes? What kind of “fame” have you gained? Talk about the kettle calling the pot black.

Choices? There are good choices, there are bad choices, there are choices that have short term effects and there are choices that last a lifetime…and for believer’s of Life after Death…for eternity. I, myself have done as all of us do…made choices that I learned from, choices that lessons seemed to come hard by, choices that had effects on non important things like watering my plants too little or too much, choices that I regret, choices that I am happy and proud I made.

Fear? Yeah…I’ve been there too. Scared for my safety in life threatening situations, scared of the choice I had to make and the lasting effects, scared to be on my own with three mouths to feed besides my own; Scared to death many times in my life at every age. How about you?

But, just what choices do those women and girls seeking the PRO CHOICE route have? In such as the bill of which Ms. (HERO) Wendy Davis filibustered the choices left are not desirable. Just what is in that controversial bill Texas Governor Rick Perry wants passed so badly and that Lt. Governor David Dewhurst vows to pass? Just what is the majority (62%) of Texans wanting the legislature to enact?

Let’s examine some points the bill addresses:

1) The Texas Bill seeks greater care for women who choose abortion. The closing of abortion clinics, Ms Davis suggests that will leave only five of which women can go to seek abortion is farfetched. In essence, clinics will close if they do not meet the new safety requirements. This bill would end the death trap of which the Gosnell case of Philadelphia and one in Houston have brought awareness to true life horror stories. What is wrong with the Texas bill seeking safety standards for the level of care to match ambulatory surgical centers instead of back room, ill staffed butcher shops? The bill basically puts the patient…of which abortion is a surgery…on the same level as those going to the hospitals for ‘day surgical’ procedures. There would be care; staff, sterilization, emergency tools ready to respond in cases of dire straits to the patient…of which does happen. The bill would “require the 18,000 RU-486 abortions performed each year be done according to FDA safety standards.” And “require physicians who perform abortions be qualified to treat life-threatening complications after botched abortions and have privileges at a local hospital.”

Now…what is wrong with that?

2) As I touched on earlier Davis filibustered and the DEMONSTRATORS blocked the passage of a bill that voters all across this nation favor. 48% favor the measures in the Texas bill; ending abortions after 20 weeks...that’s FIVE MONTHS! Five months for a woman or girl and/or her parents to make a decision…to make a choice whether to abort or carry full term. And more importantly, 80% of people in the United States want abortions banned after the second trimester. 50% of WOMEN BACK THE BAN OF ABORTION AFTER 20 WEEKS…So Ms. Davis and the galley setters of which actually kept the bill from passing simply snuffed out the will of the people of Texas and the will of the people across the United States of America, AND THE WILL OF HALF THE WOMEN IN THE NATION! Where’s those choices?


This is facts…at what interval is the spinal cord, the central nervous system and the brain in a fetus developing and fully developed?  The answer is SIX WEEKS and EIGHT WEEKS…TWO MONTHS FULLY DEVELOPED and the sensory mechanism begins to develop along with bone replacing cartilage. So at two months not five, the fetus has the capacity to feel pain and discomfort. Yet, according to the Texas bill at six to eight weeks abortions could still be performed. Personally, I see that is being very lenient and I being a pro life advocate…not surprising since I blog here.

Now just what does an abortion at 20+ weeks entail? Just to describe it is bone chilling brutality and horror at its best! It entails breaking bones, ripping limbs apart and pulling out piece by piece, draining life sustaining fluids, bashing in the skull or crushing of it destroying the brain which at this point is capable of dreaming…crushing the central nervous system…snuffing out a life…an INNOCENT LIFE…simply MURDER…BRUTAL, HORRIFIC MURDER!

For what is this killing of babies taking place for? CHOICES? I beg of you…give me one good reason why this should even become a CHOICE?

The left especially cried out about the TORTURE of water boarding…where is the outcry about the torture of innocent lives being ripped to pieces and beaten to death? The bleeding hearts cringe at the mutilation of a puppy…is not a human life form worth more than a dog? Ok…I have to question that myself as I love my dogs…but I love my kids the most and that I will have to also admit. There are those who value more a tree’s life more than they value human beings.

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