
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Gosnell Victims Denied Burial

Ever since the “House of Horrors” Gosnell trial ended in May, the city of Philadelphia has kept in its possession the 3 babies that Gosnell was convicted of murdering, in addition to 42 other pre-born babies the District Attorney had found stuffed in milk jugs, paper boxes, and jars in Gosnell's abortuary, according to Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life.

Even though Pennsylvania law requires that the bodies of unclaimed persons may be claimed by a member of the community, the Philadelphia Department of Public Health has refused to allow pro-life activists to claim these tiny bodies and give them a decent burial. Representatives from Students for Life, Priests for Life, the Christian Defense Coalition, and other leaders from Stand True and the Alliance Defending Freedom are in Philadelphia trying to claim these abortion victims according to Kristan Hawkins, Students for Life. Kristan further reports that they were denied entrance into the Medical Examiner's Office, a public building, last Friday. “As they saw us approaching, they locked the doors on us and told us that we weren't allowed in because we were not a grieving family,” she says. And yet, do we not all grieve for these millions of pre-born infants from our human family who will never take a breath or see the light of day?
Why would the pro-aborts be so adamant that these babies should not be buried? Kristan believes it’s because “You don't bury a "collection of cells "or a "clump of tissue" – you bury a human being, a person. And our simple request, to give dignity to the babies Gosnell murdered, exposes the fundamental flaw in 'pro-choice' logic.”
arrowHere is how YOU can help these courageous pro-lifers in their quest for a proper burial for these murdered babies:
  1. Please call the Philadelphia Medical Examiners’ Office (215-685-7445) and demand that they release the babies for a proper burial.
  2. Please consider joining many national pro-life organizations on August 25th and 26th in Philadelphia for our national "A Cry for Dignity" event. Still in the planning stages, a few details can be found here, with more updates to come.

1 comment:

  1. Please mark your calendars for this 2-day event on August 25 and 26th. A prayer vigil will be held the evening of August 25th and a protest will be held the next morning. Also, if you haven’t called the ME’s office, please do so. We need to keep the pressure up until his office relents and gives those babies to Father Pavone for a proper burial!
