
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Media Suppress Truth About Views Toward Late-term Abortion

From David Martin, Executive Vice-President
Media Research Center

We are calling on all pro-life Americans to take immediate grassroots action to neutralize the leftist media’s despicable attempts to obscure the facts in the abortion debate. Their latest efforts involve swooning over pro late-term abortion advocate Texas state senator, Wendy Davis, while hiding the truth about the legislation she is fighting.

As the Media Research Center has thoroughly documented, the liberal media’s support for the pro-abortion Davis has been unequivocal and universal, with  anchors like NBC’s Brian Williams and ABC’s Diane Sawyer hailing Davis’ "epic" filibuster and her rise to “folk hero” status.

Not a single so-called "journalist" on ABC, CBS, or NBC bothered to ask Davis why she supports killing fetuses after 20 weeks even though according to a National Journal poll, more Americans oppose this barbaric practice than oppose it.  And in Texas, where Ms. Davis serves, 62%  support a ban on abortions after 20 weeks.

Help fight back against the media’s radical pro-abortion propaganda campaign by signing our ”Stop Censoring the News!” petition to force the media into reporting the truth about what most Americans think of late-term abortion.

The pro-abortion media’s veneration of this Texas abortion advocate is nauseating to watch. We have to fight back.

Click here to sign our “Stop Censoring the News!” petition to send a powerful message to these shameless propagandists that if they’re going to promote an agenda as deplorable as late-term abortion, they should at least have the decency to tell the truth about public opinion on the issue. 

The media are trying to turn a state senator who is campaigning to allow 20-week fetuses to be murdered into a hero, while vilifying pro-life Americans at every turn.

Join us today to expose and neutralize the liberal media’s despicable pro abortion agenda and receive your free “Stop Censoring the News!” bumper sticker.

The Media Research Center is proud to celebrate 25 years of holding the liberal media accountable for shamelessly advancing a left-wing agenda, distorting the truth, and vilifying the conservative movement.

Since 1987, our unwavering commitment to neutralizing left-wing bias in the news media and popular culture has influenced how millions of Americans perceive so-called objective reporting.

We’re grateful to our fans, grassroots supporters, and donors for allowing us to fight liberal media bias for a quarter century. Your passion for our cause has helped us achieve extraordinary success in shaping public opinion. Here’s to the next 25 years of forcing the media to "Tell the Truth!"

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