
Saturday, July 6, 2013

ObamaCare “Train Wreck” Delays Employer Mandate, Enforces Individual and Abortion-Pill Mandates


The Obama Administration announced that it has imperially decided to delay, for one year, the employer mandate – what has been called the “cornerstone of the new law” – the mandate that all businesses with more than 50 employees provide them health insurance.

The Administration specifically stated that this employer mandate delay does “not affect . . . any other provision” of ObamaCare.  The HHS abortion-pill mandate and the individual mandate – requiring every American to purchase health insurance – are still in full effect.

President Obama and the Democrats told us that ObamaCare was supposed to help the little guy.  They told us that the individual mandate wouldn’t affect most Americans because their employers would be required and highly incentivized through steep penalties to provide health insurance.  Those incentives are now all but gone.  In short, we were lied to.

President Obama just provided a big business bailout while hammering the individual.

An estimated 160 million Americans currently have health insurance through their employer without a mandate.  But President Obama said a mandate was critically necessary.  He stood in front of the American people at the famous Blair House Healthcare Summit in February 2010 and declared that “employers are shedding employees from health care plans” and that big businesses have “got to pay your fair share, because otherwise all of us have to pick up the tab.”

 article continues here

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