
Monday, July 29, 2013

Pro-Lifers Launch ‘March on the Media’ to Expose Biased Abortion Coverage

The pro-life advocacy organization Live Action has announced the launch of a “March on the Media” campaign to expose the biased coverage of abortion exemplified by the murder trial of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell earlier this year.
The media campaign will culminate in mass protests in front of the headquarters of the mainstream media’s “Big Three” television networks: ABC, CBS, and NBC.

"This campaign is about showing the public that the 'Big Three' cannot be trusted when it comes to abortion coverage and that they've been censoring the truth about abortion, what abortion does to a child, about fetal development, about the harm to women, and about these horror stories that have been emerging," Lila Rose, president of Live Action, said in an interview with

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