
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

State's Funds Offer 'Real Alternatives' to Abortion

PITTSBURGH -- Twenty-five years have passed since a 17-year-old Noreen Marusic found herself pregnant and at odds with angry parents.

"My parents were not supportive whatsoever of my pregnancy. Probably more ashamed than anything," Marusic told CBN News. "They were trying to force me to have an abortion and I wasn't going to do that."
Her boyfriend didn't want her to have the baby either and threatened to leave her if she wouldn't abort it.  
Marusic received no support until she came across Genesis Center in Pittsburgh. The women there gave her a temporary place to live, education so she could support herself, and encouragement that she could be a good mother, even when her own mother said she wouldn't be.

"My mom said that I would end up to be nothing, that I'd end up on the welfare," Marusic recalled.  

With financial support, centers like Genesis can help millions of women like Marusic say no to abortion. It's not easy though when pro-choice politicians and abortion providers like Planned Parenthood join forces against that effort.

Some states are so aligned with the abortion industry they're trying to shut down pro-life pregnancy centers. But in Pennsylvania, they're using taxpayer dollars to help fund pro-life alternatives.

For 17 years now, the charity Real Alternatives has been directing $5 million to $6 million a year to almost a hundred pro-life centers across the state. These combined efforts have helped bring Pennsylvania's abortion rate down 7 percent.

Real Alternatives exists to provide life-affirming alternatives to abortion services throughout the nation.  These compassionate support services empower women to protect their reproductive health, avoid crisis pregnancies, choose childbirth rather than abortion, receive adoption education, and improve parenting skills.
Real Alternatives is the non-profit, charitable organization that  administers the Pennsylvania Alternative to Abortion Services Program for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and is funded by the General Assembly of Pennsylvania in FY 2011/2012 at  $5.794 million through the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare

Use this link for more information about Real Alternatives 

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