
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Take 5 Minutes to Protect Marriage in Pennsylvania!

From Brian S. Brown, President
National Organization for Marriage
Last week Pennsylvania's Attorney General Kathleen Kane announced she will NOT defend Pennsylvania's Defense of Marriage Act, which protects marriage as the union of one man and one woman against a new lawsuit.
How dare she abdicate her sworn duty to uphold the law!
This means Governor Tom Corbett is the only elected official standing between far-left activists like the ACLU and their goal of unilaterally striking down Pennsylvania's Defense of Marriage Act, which was passed overwhelmingly in 1996 by the General Assembly.
Elected officials have a sacred duty to do their job and protect the laws passed by the people's elected representatives.
These new attacks on marriage serve as an important reminder that Pennsylvania voters deserve the opportunity to vote on a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman, the only social institution we have that gives children the mother and father they deserve.
Activist judges or derelict politicians should not have the last word on marriage. We, the People deserve to vote to protect marriage, as people in nearly three dozen other states have done.
We urge you to become better informed about what is happening in Pennsylvania and help us spread the word.
And please continue to support our efforts to protect marriage in Pennsylvania and across the nation.
God bless you for taking time out of your busy schedule to protect marriage,

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