
Monday, July 8, 2013

TAKE ACTION : Protect the unborn ,Help Texas Gov. Rick Perry

Dear Friends,

A lot can happen in a month. In just over thirty days, I've welcomed a new baby into the world, moved cross-country with all my belongings, and started a new job as Executive Director of FRC Action in Washington, D.C. And there's no slowing down. I wanted to drop you a note to keep you informed on what is taking place right now. I'm sure you've seen it on the news and you've been following the frontline battle going on here in Texas.

This evening I'll be joining conservative leaders from around the nation for a rally at the Texas State Capitol here in Austin. We will be speaking out for those who are unable to speak for themselves -- the unborn children. The goal of this rally is to encourage passage of HB2, the bill that will protect the unborn after 20 weeks while also protecting women by placing reasonable regulations on abortion providers in Texas.
We are here today to show our support for the courageous efforts made by leaders in the Texas legislature and Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who called a special session, which allows a vote on this crucial bill. Join us in telling Gov. Perry and Texas leadership that we appreciate their willingness to take a stand for life!
Tonight is very special for me personally as well. I'm honored to be able to stand alongside my parents, Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar and my 3 year old sister, Josie. Many of you know that Josie was born at 25 weeks gestation, and by God's grace she is with us today. I vividly remember walking into the hospital and seeing her for the first time. Those little hands and feet, complete with fingers and toes -- each so small, yet so perfectly formed. She even had that look on her face and occasionally a little grin would break out. Staring life in the face through that tiny person, it's almost impossible to imagine that someone would want to bring harm to the most vulnerable of us -- but that's exactly what some people want to do.
That's why we are here today. We have an opportunity to stand with those who are taking bold steps to make sure that others, like Josie, have an opportunity -- to be born.
So today, I'm asking for a couple things from you. We need your prayers. We face some relentless opposition, but we serve a big God. And we also need your support so we can continue to support those fighting on the frontlines.
When I look at Josie today, I don't see a 3 year old little girl, I still see those tiny eyes in the incubator staring up at me, unaware of what her future has in store. If we sit back and allow our opposition to have their way, there will be no future for countless children like Josie. This fight is not just about Texas, it is about our most basic God-given right -- life itself.


Joshua Duggar
Executive Director
FRC Action

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