
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

White House Steps Up its Persecution of Pro-Life People!

The following are excerpts from an e-mail I received from Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life

On June 28 Kathleen Sebelius announced the White House’s final guidelines for the infamous HHS mandate.

Not surprisingly, the persecution of you, Priests for Life and the People of Life continues!  All the government did was allow another six months to comply; which means that come midnight December 31, we must either:

·        Bow to the Obama administration, violate our conscience, submit to the HHS mandate and become direct participants in the willful killing of our unborn brothers and sisters.

·        Or defy the government, remain true to God and our pro-life principles, and take a stand for life and religious freedom!

You know my decision.  It is the same as yours. Neither you nor I nor Priests for Life will ever give in to the HHS mandate or any government threat.

Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever!

I’m not going to take up a lot of your time re-hashing all the arguments for why we are opposing this act of tyranny on the part of the Obama administration.  You already know them.

What I will remind you is that the Obama administration is determined to force you to take a direct and active role in the murder of your unborn brothers and
sisters.  The President’s arrogance and disdain for those who “cling to God” is such that, like the schoolyard bully, he thinks he can run roughshod over you and me and anyone else who stands in his way or dares to defy him.

Well, when it comes to you and Priests for Life and all champions of the unborn ...... he’s picked a fight with the wrong people!

As I said, we will never submit to this blatant act of tyranny.

That’s why we filed our original lawsuit last year.  We did so in order to protect you, your conscience rights, your pro-life principles and your freedom to practice your religion as you deem fit.

And we won an agreement from the government that Priests for Life did not have to pay any fines for non-compliance with the HHS mandate.  This was a temporary victory, however, and was set to last until the government issued new regulations regarding the mandate.

You’ll remember my writing to you back in February and urging you to take part in the 60-day review period for “citizen input” on the proposed standards – and to voice your total and complete opposition to the regulations.

Rather than listen to you and address our legitimate concerns, Obama’s people huddled together and decided that there will be no let-up in their persecution of you, Priests for Life, the Catholic Church, people of faith and America’s pro-life movement.  None.

Instead, they drew a line in the sand and compel you and Priests for Life to submit to their pro-abortion agenda.

And because they did, I went ahead and instructed our attorneys to be pro-active, draft all the necessary papers, and re-file our lawsuit against the HHS mandate!

As I told you a moment ago:


And because we will, it is critically important that we be financially prepared to re-file our lawsuit the moment our attorneys tell me it’s ready. We must win a PERMANENT INJUNCTION if we are to defend our pro-life principles and protect our First Amendment right to freedom of religion.  To do so, however, I must have your generous and immediate financial help so that we are able to see our lawsuit through to final and complete victory!

When all is said and done, I expect Priests for Life will spend well over $100,000 to see our lawsuit to its conclusion ... which could include a hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court.

The bottom line is this: Until this unjust mandate is entirely and permanently struck down, we must turn to the courts to protect our First Amendment right to oppose abortion and practice our religion free from government coercion! And remember, I’m not the only one who recognizes that reality. Our U.S. bishops do so as well.

That’s what Archbishop William Lori, who chairs the USCCB’s Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, told me a short time ago when he thanked me and Priests for Life for having the courage to file our lawsuit.  He also issued a statement in which he said:

As Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, I am writing to express deep gratitude to the scores of people and organizations — from various denominations and walks of life — who have challenged the HHS mandate in federal courts around our country over the last year.  We continue to pray for the success of all of these lawsuits.  ... As Cardinal Timothy Dolan, President of the USCCB, stated [in response to] the [government’s] latest proposed rule [on the HHS mandate]: “[W]e will continue to stand united with brother bishops, religious institutions, and individual citizens who seek redress in the courts for as long as this is necessary.”  Catholics in America have ... consistently supported the rights of individuals not to act against their religious beliefs or moral convictions, especially when individuals seek to protect the dignity of human life.

“Protecting the dignity of human life” is precisely what you and Priests for Life are all about.

Our mission is to advance the cause of life, end legalized abortion-on-demand in America, and protect the youngest and most vulnerable members of our human family. But our First Amendment right to fulfill that mission is now threatened.

As I’ve told you previously, we’re going up against the full might and power of the federal government.  President Obama and his pro-abortion allies will spare no expense and hold nothing back in their unbridled attempt to compel us to bow before the state.

Putting all of our trust in God, we are prepared to go forward full-steam ahead. We are doing so for you, for all pro-life activists, for our fellow Americans, and most especially, for the youngest members of our human family – our unborn brothers and sisters.

I beg you to stand with us in this fight and make as large a contribution to our “Legal Fund” as you possibly can.

Make no mistake.  The HHS mandate unjustly impacts all employers, not just churches, religious groups, and health care institutions, which means that in all probability … it impacts YOU directly! 

Besides, the rule is unjust.  You don't adapt to injustice; you oppose it.  That is especially true for us because Priests for Life’s primary purpose is to promote and protect life … whereas the primary purpose of the HHS mandate is to prevent and destroy life.  And now that the White House has issued its final guidelines for the HHS mandate, I’m counting on you to click here and help us re-file our lawsuit.

Thank you.  May God bless.  And please include our lawsuit and the attorneys who will be arguing our case in court in your daily prayers.

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