
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Medicaid Fraud in Texas

Planned Parenthood in Texas fraudulently overbilled Medicaid claims. Americans United for Life reports:

State investigators determined that Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast falsified material information in patients’ medical records in order to support fraudulent reimbursement claims to the Medicaid program.” – Texas Attorney General’s Office.


Last week a Planned Parenthood affiliate in Texas agreed to pay the State $1.4 million dollars in a settlement for charges of fraudulently overbilling the Texas Medicaid program to gain millions of Texas taxpayer dollars. And only weeks before, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards SHAMLESSLY stood on the steps of the Texas capital praising her organization.

Note:  This is one of the groups chosen to act as 'patient navigator' to the Federal Data Hub for Obamacare!   see article posted on Sunday at

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