
Friday, August 16, 2013


From Drew Belsky, Communications Director
Live Action

Last week, we gathered with upwards of a hundred and fifty people outside ABC's studio in Washington, D.C. We demanded an end to slanted, biased abortion reporting among the mainstream media - namely, ABC, CBS, and NBC.

We had reason to hope for a change: as activists crowded the street and called for change, we saw among the crowd a camera man from ABC itself, filming our event. (See below.)

“Not to draw too much attention to you, Sir, but we do have an ABC camera here,” Lila Rose, our president, said from the podium. “We’ll see if ABC is actually going to be airing any of this footage. That’ll be yet another test to see if they’re reporting the news, because this is the first time something like this has been done.”

Well, it's been about five days now...and still nothing from ABC.

(Granted, maybe we should have known better than to hope for ABC to be responsible.  Apparently, exposing the greatest human rights abuse of our time is no way to get mainstream coverage.  For that, you need to launch a snow-cone war.)

The mainstream news networks would like to pretend that everything is fine among America's media. They'd like to pretend that no one raked them over the coals for refusing to report on the trial of Kermit Gosnell, who was convicted of murdering born-alive infants by severing their spines. They hope that the widespread disgust over their censorship of this and other such incidents - like Planned Parenthood's "meat-market" abortion center in Delaware, which just gets worse and worse - will simply blow over.

See no pro-life rally, hear no pro-life rally, report no pro-life rally. That's ABC's mentality.

The question is: will it work?

When the Susan G. Komen foundation tried to withdraw funding from abortion giant Planned Parenthood, the "big three" mainstream media outlets jumped to Planned Parenthood's defense. But now that Planned Parenthood has had to pay out $4.3 million to the state of Texas for defrauding Medicaid - in other words, for stealing from the poor - where is ABC? Where is CBS, or NBC?


And now, scandal-ridden Planned Parenthood is under federal investigation by the non-partisan Government Accounting Office.

As Lila put it:

The abortion industry is rife with abuse, fraud, and waste – all of which can be expected from those who are willing to prey on our weakest citizens for profit. But even a 100% clean abortion center is still an unspeakable evil, because no accounting gimmick or company retraining will sanitize the fact of what abortion is.

But as we've seen over and over again, that won't stop the big news distributors from running interference.

There's a serious problem in our country when it comes to the mainstream media's pro-abortion bias. So join us in refusing to sweep it under the rug: any time you see a slanted news piece that glorifies abortion, lionizes abortion advocates, and censors the facts of abortion itself, make your voice heard. Tweet @ABC, @CBSNews, and @NBCNews, and call them to the carpet. Do the same with @BenSherwoodABC, @davidgrayrhodes, and @patfili, the respective heads of these news bureaus.

Also, bookmark the Media Research Center. It's a fantastic resource for discovering media bias on a number of topics, including abortion.

 Look: when we see an egregious piece of media bias, it's just not enough to roll our eyes and throw popcorn at our television screens or computer monitors. We all have to make our outrage known, or nothing will change.

Let's open up a new era of citizen-vigilance. The more we speak up in defense of the voiceless among us, the more the media will have to listen.

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