
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sept. 4th Pro-Marriage Rally in Harrisburg, PA

From Mike McMonagle, President
Pro-Life Coalition of PA

Since early July 2013, forces of the Culture of Death have launched a war on Pennsylvania's marriage law, which defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman.  For reasons that I describe later in this letter, the definition of marriage is an issue of huge importance to the pro-life movement.

The next battle on this war occurs at a Commonwealth Court (CC) hearing on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at 10am at the Pa. Judicial Center at 601 Commonwealth Avenue in Harrisburg.  This CC hearing concerns Gov. Corbett's petition on behalf of the Pa. Department of Health (where marriage certificates are ultimately filed) seeking a court order directing the Montgomery County Register of Wills (ROW) to cease issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.  This ROW has been issuing such licenses since July 23, 2013.

Pro-life organizations in Pa. will be holding a rally and a press conference at the Judicial Center from 9:30-10am and then from after the 10am hearing (expected to take approximately one hour) to 12 noon.  Please join us for this rally press conference and hearing because an increased number always enhances the effectiveness of our presence and message.

The Judicial Center is an approximately 5 minute walk from the rear of the State Capitol Building.  Leave the East Wing entrance and proceed toward the fountain, down the steps to Commonwealth Avenue.  Proceed left on Commonwealth Avenue for three blocks.  The Pa. Judicial Center is between the Pa. Health and Welfare Building and the Pa. Finance Building.


1.  Marriage is God's image in our temporal world.

Human life is sacred because human beings are created in God's image.  God is three Persons in which the love between God, the Father, and God, the Son, is God, the Holy Spirit.  The marital embrace between husband and wife enables the love between a husband and a wife to literally become a third person and, thus, reflects God's image.  Therefore, "same-sex marriage" is a stain on God's image.

2.  The current definition of civil marriage in Pa. best ensures the welfare of future children in our state by uniting children with their mother and father.

3.  "Marriage equality," which is the slogan of same-sex marriage (SSM) supporters, ignores reality.  SSM is inherently unequal to the union of one man and one woman because homosexual relationships are incapable of producing children.

4.  The drive for SSM is a continuation of the war on children.  This war began by preventing the conception of children by contraception and sterilization, killing children conceived but not yet born by abortion and now intentionally denying born children being raised by their mother and father through SSM.

5.  The enactment of SSM laws inevitably result and have resulted in the significant diminishment of civil and religious liberties.

6.  Pro-life organizations are currently the only force available with active and committed participants to counter the SSM forces.

1 comment:

  1. Patricia this event has been posted to the front page of the God Bless your work.
