
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Time to Rein in the Supreme Court

From Congressman Steve Stockman  (R-TX)

For 40 years, nine unelected men and women on the Supreme Court have played god with innocent human life. They have invented laws that condemned more than 56 million babies to painful deaths without trial for the crime of being “inconvenient.”

The Supreme Court has permitted paid assassins to stab, burn, dissect, poison and throw these innocent babies away like trash. That’s why it is so urgent you sign the petition (link provided below) to your two Senators and Congressman. I'll give you the link in a moment, but first let me explain why your response is so important.

You see, with your petition and support, Congress can pass a bill that will use Congress' power under Article III, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution to take away the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction on abortion.

It is frightening where we’re headed. The calloused attitude toward life by our highest government officials is dragging our whole society down. I’m sure that by now you have heard of the Gosnell case. In his filthy, bloodstained “House of Horrors,” abortionist Kermit Gosnell routinely delivered babies, then killed them.

Any sane person can see the horror of killing a newborn. But the reality is if Gosnell had killed babies in the womb and then delivered them, he would have done what abortionists do every day – protected by the Supreme Court’s absurd “right to privacy.” That’s why it’s so important you and I do all we can.

In the past, we pro-lifers have limited ourselves to protecting a life here and there -- passing some limited law to slightly control abortion in the more outrageous cases. But pro-life organizations always tiptoed around the Supreme Court, hoping they wouldn’t be offended.

Now the time to grovel before the Supreme Court is over.

That’s why I am hoping you will support the National Pro-Life Alliance, a proven, aggressive pro-life group, in a dramatic offensive to save lives.

With your help, the National Pro-Life Alliance’s ultimate plan is to pass a bill that by itself will save more innocent lives than all the reform legislation passed in the last 40 years . . . COMBINED!

It’s called the Sanctity of Life Act.

This important legislation is a companion bill to the Life at Conception Act, which as you know, would use the Supreme Court’s own language to overturn Roe v. Wade.

But the Sanctity of Life Act would complement the Life at Conception Act by using the power given to Congress in Article III, Sections 1 and 2 of the U.S. Constitution to strip all federal courts of their power to judicially shield abortion. Congress has always had the authority under the Constitution to limit the courts’ jurisdiction.

However, until recently we haven’t had the votes in either House of Congress. But in the last two elections pro-lifers played a crucial role in electing new Congressmen who are pledged to defend life.

Now I look forward to the day when a pro-life President and Congress will end abortion-on-demand once and for all. By turning up the heat through a massive, national, grass-roots campaign in this session of Congress, one of two things will happen.

If you and other pro-life activists pour on enough pressure, pro-lifers can force politicians from both parties who were elected on pro-life platforms to make good on their promises and ultimately win passage of this bill.

But even if the Sanctity of Life Act doesn’t pass immediately, the public attention will send another crew of radical pro-abortionists down to defeat in the next election.

Either way, the unborn win . . . unless you do nothing. That’s why your immediate action is needed.

With your help, the vote on the Sanctity of Life Act will be a defining vote on who is truly pro-life, and more importantly who is not. Any politician who claims to be pro-life while voting to allow the Supreme Court to invent a “right” to kill unborn babies is lying.

That’s why I’m hoping you will join the National Pro-Life Alliance’s effort to mobilize a grass-roots army to push for the Sanctity of Life Act.

The National Pro-Life Alliance is counting on you and other pro-lifers to bombard every Member of Congress with petitions, postcards, calls, and letters.

They are the key ingredient in the National Pro-Life Alliance’s plan to pass the Sanctity of Life Act.

At the same time, pro-lifers must let the House and ultimately the Senate know that hearings and a vote on the Sanctity of Life Act are a must.

With your help the National Pro-Life Alliance will also organize:

...  An extensive internet, direct mail, and telephone campaign to generate at least one million petitions to Congress like the ones enclosed with this letter.

...  Extensive personal lobbying of key Members of Congress by rank and file National Pro-Life Alliance members and staff.

...  A series of newspaper columns to be distributed free to religious publications and target daily newspapers across the United States.

...  Hard-hitting TV, radio and newspaper ads to be run in targeted states and districts, detailing the horrors of abortion and mobilizing the American people.

From long experience we know that when pro-lifers are mobilized, the politicians who vote against the unborn get defeated in the next election. Working together, you and I can end the court-protected slaughter.

Your signed petition and a contribution to the National Pro-Life Alliance will be a first and gigantic step toward stripping the courts of their arrogant power to condemn innocent babies to death.

 Because every human life is precious in the eyes of God, and science and common sense dictate that life begins at conception, it is clear that abortion is the wanton taking of human life and no truly great nation can allow this practice to take place.

Ever since the dreadful Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, more than 55 million precious unborn babies have lost their lives.

The National Pro-Life Alliance's members, staff and volunteers are dedicated to halting this slaughter once and for all. And despite the many remaining obstacles, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

1 comment:

  1. Please sign this petition and make sure to share with all your pro-life friends. We have the opportunity to take away the Supreme Court’s control of abortion with this Sanctity of Life Act.
