
Thursday, September 26, 2013

2013 Public Square Rosary Crusade

An Ardent Appeal Asking God: ”Through the Holy Rosary; Save America!”

There are still signs of Catholic militancy in America. This can be seen in the continuing growth of the pro-life movement and in the rejection of blasphemy and socialism. However, there is still much work to be done.

Those who seek to remove God and His holy law from our society fight on. They do not stop. They are totally committed to their cause and are insatiable for victory.

 Abortion murders innocent unborn babies; the institution of the family is weakened by impure customs and threatened by the legalization of homosexual “marriage;” the sexual revolution pervades popular culture especially in television, media, movies, and the Internet and is almost co-natural with our culture now.

 And now devilish socialism has reared its head and openly and brazenly attacks the Church and those small fragments that remain in our culture of Christian Civilization.

However, the worst consequence of this secularist offensive is the rejection of God. By rejecting God, as a country, we disdain His wise and loving action and we refuse His grace upon our citizens.

And without His grace, how can we survive?

How can our leaders properly govern our nation? From where will they get wisdom and strength to solve the great and complex problems that abound?

Besides the above mentioned moral problems, how can we maintain our treasured national identity, while adopting a just solution for the immigration dilemma? How can we solve our need to become self-sufficient in energy? How can we resolve our economic problems? How can we maintain a wise, strong, and balanced military strategy?

Holy Rosary Crusade of Reparation

After World War II, Austria was divided between the United States, France, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union. The Soviet section was the richest one and included the capitol city of Vienna. The Viennese were subject to the all the atrocities of communist occupation.

In 1946, Fr. Petrus Pavlicek, after making a pilgrimage to Mariazell, Austria’s principle Marian shrine, heard an interior voice that said: “Do as I say and there will be peace.” To obey this inspiration of Our Lady, Fr. Pevlicek founded the Holy Rosary Crusade of Reparation in 1947. This Crusade consisted of a call to the faithful of Vienna to participate in public rosary processions in the streets of the city. The intention of the rosary was for the end of communism in their country and the world. At first, the processions were miniscule, but they gradually grew to staggering proportions.

In 1955, after eight years of spreading the word about the Crusade throughout Austria, the rosary processions would often have half a million participants – about one tenth of the Austrian population. Finally, through the help of Our Lady, the Soviet forces inexplicably pulled out of Austria in October of 1955.

2013 Public Square Rosary Crusade 
At Fatima in 1917, Our Lady made it very clear that the Rosary is the supernatural solution to our earthly problems. Father Pavlicek also saw this as a solution and promoted a national Rosary Crusade that saved Austria from Communism.

Just like in Austria, the Rosary can save America.

In The Secret of the Rosary, Saint Louis de Montfort states: “Public prayer is far more powerful than private prayer to appease the anger of God and call down His Mercy and Holy Mother Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, has always advocated public prayer in times of public tragedy and suffering.”
That’s why America Needs Fatima is organizing the 2013 Public Square Rosary Crusade.
Our goal is to counter the destructive secular agenda, asking God to guide every aspect of our society. As human efforts have failed to solve America’s key problems, we ask His immediate help for our nation’s leadership. He will hear our prayers, especially if we pray the Rosary of His Blessed Mother. Without prayer, and specifically the Rosary, we will not find solutions to our nation’s many problems.

Last year, the America Needs Fatima campaign organized over 9,077 Rosary Rallies. In 2013, we’re planning 10,000 rallies for October 12 –the Saturday closest to the Oct. 13 anniversary in 1917 when God worked the miracle of the sun at Fatima, Portugal. America needs a monumental miracle of conversion. And it can happen!

What Does America Needs Fatima Do?
America Needs Fatima's goal is to win the heart and soul of America for Mary by spreading Our Lady's Fatima message and promoting devotion to Her Immaculate Heart. America urgently needs the prophetic messages of Our Lady at Fatima. Above all, America needs a clear direction, a great purpose, and the means to achieve it. The admonitions, requests, and warnings of Mary Most Holy can rightly be called a heaven-sent survival manual.
The essence of Our Lady's message is to open our eyes to the gravity of today's moral corruption, to explain it in light of God's plans, and to outline how to prevent the chastisement. Our Lady is thus teaching us about our epoch and our future.
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What Does America Needs Fatima Do?

America Needs Fatima's goal is to win the heart and soul of America for Mary by spreading Our Lady's Fatima message and promoting devotion to Her Immaculate Heart. America urgently needs the prophetic messages of Our Lady at Fatima. Above all, America needs a clear direction, a great purpose, and the means to achieve it. The admonitions, requests, and warnings of Mary Most Holy can rightly be called a heaven-sent survival manual.

The essence of Our Lady's message is to open our eyes to the gravity of today's moral corruption, to explain it in light of God's plans, and to outline how to prevent the chastisement. Our Lady is thus teaching us about our epoch and our future.

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