
Saturday, September 28, 2013

DAY 4: Off and running

From Shawn Carney, Campaign Director

Today, I speak at the Central California Walk for Life -- an event that 40 Days for Life volunteers helped organize. More than 1,000 people are expected to pray at an abortion facility and then march. I'm looking forward to a very inspiring day!

I'm turning the rest of today's report over to our national director, David Bereit, as he describes his whirlwind visits across two Southern states in the first 24 hours of this campaign:
Birmingham, Alabama 

 Upon arriving in Birmingham, I met with numerous local pro-life leaders, as well as EWTN radio show hosts Jim and Joy Pinto, at a local pregnancy center. Then we all headed out to join the big crowd of excited volunteers at the local 40 Days for Life kickoff event.

It was raining until minutes before the event, when the rain stopped and the sky cleared. Many clergy were in attendance, including the retired Catholic bishop of Birmingham, David Foley, as well as Charismatic Episcopal Church Bishop Chuck Pierce.

The event was a top story on the local television news (see video of news story at: ).

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

After the rally, I drove an hour to Tuscaloosa, where a Knights of Columbus hall was packed with local pro-lifers and students from the University of Alabama for breakfast and to kick off their 40 Days for Life campaign -- which is being directed by a dynamic college student named Claire. 

Montgomery, Alabama

 Next, I drove two hours to Montgomery, where a large group from numerous different churches gathered across the street from a facility that has been aborting children in Alabama's capital city for 30 years. It was amazing to meet local volunteers from many different faith traditions all working together for a common cause! 

Columbus, Georgia

From Montgomery, I drove 90 minutes and across the state line to Columbus, Georgia -- also in a different time zone! I prayed with the group of volunteers and shared encouraging stories of some of the earliest victories that have already been happening during this campaign. 

Atlanta, Georgia 

Then it was a two-hour drive to Atlanta, where I met with many local and state pro-life leaders for a brief dinner before going out to a large kickoff rally outside a notorious late-term abortion center.

Once again, I was blessed to see tremendous diversity at this event -- people from different churches, races and backgrounds, all standing arm in arm to "speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves." 

Marietta, Georgia 

 The day ended with a 30-minute drive to Marietta, a suburb of Atlanta, where the 40 Days for Life vigil is being held outside an office park that houses a large abortion business.

More than 100 joyful people were gathered in the dark along the very busy road with candles. Nearly half of them were Spanish speaking! Fortunately, the local leader and others were able to translate the message of hope to all attendees.

In just the first 24 hours of this campaign, I drove 408 miles with stops in 6 cities to meet hundreds of amazing people with ONE focused mission -- ending abortion. I have GREAT hope for our future!


Thanks to David Bereit for all that good news!

Here's today's devotional from Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life...

Day 4 intention

We ask God that we may understand the concept of justice, as a gift he gives and as a responsibility that shapes our work.

Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!

-- Amos 5:24

Justice, a key theme of the Scriptures, is something God does and that we too must do.

When God intervenes to save his people when they are helpless and in slavery in Egypt, he "does justice." He manifested his justice in the plagues that were sent upon Egypt, whereby Pharaoh was convinced that he must let the people go. Justice is manifested as, in awe and wonder, God's people see the Red Sea open before them, allow them to pass without even getting their feet wet, and then close again to drown their powerful enemies.

God is a God of Justice; he rescues us when we cannot save ourselves. His justice, above all, is seen in Jesus Christ, who, when we could not save ourselves, rescued us from the kingdom of sin, Satan, death, and hell. The mighty work of Christ on the cross and in the resurrection is the perfect manifestation of God as the God of justice.

We, then, are to be the people of justice; we are to "do justice" by intervening to save the helpless in the name and by the power of the God who saves us who are helpless ourselves. That's why we have a pro-life movement; that's why we have a 40 Days for Life Campaign; that's why saving the unborn is our business.

God of Justice, you heard the cry of your people when they were being oppressed in Egypt, and you proved yourself to be the God of justice, who rescues the helpless. You likewise rescued us from the kingdom of darkness, and brought us into the Kingdom of your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who saves us from the power of Satan, sin, death, and hell.

Make us people of justice, ready to intervene to save the helpless. Indeed, as your prophets have announced, let justice roll on like a mighty river, to save all who are in need, especially the unborn. We pray through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Printable devotional

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