
Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 6 of 40 Days for Life Campaign: 36 Babies Saved!

From Shawn Carney
Campaign Director

If you need a reason to look forward to Mondays, this is it! Mondays are the days we update all the reports of babies spared from abortion during your 40 Days for Life vigils.

Thus far during this 40 Days for Life campaign, we have reports of ...

... 36 babies saved ... that we know of!

Here are just a few of those stories.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Dan noticed a young mom he had recognized from earlier in the day, sitting on the doorsteps. "I asked her if she was going to be OK," he said. She responded, "What did you tell my boyfriend?"  

Dan told her, "Probably what I tell them all - go inside and get her out of there! The time is NOW to save your baby's life!"  

The woman looked surprised. "Seriously? That's all you said? Somehow, you lit him up. And it worked. He talked me out of it."  

"I was dumbstruck; but not for long," Dan said. "I told her about the free help across the street. She said she would check it out."
Abrepo, Ghana

Edward is leading the 40 Days for Life vigil in Ghana. "God has been good to us," he said.

"I received a phone call from a lady around 2:57 am on September 26," he said. The message – "I have decided to keep my pregnancy if there is HOPE!"

"After the first day, one baby saved," Edward said. "Amen!"
St. Louis, Missouri

Brian in St. Louis says one of the prayer volunteers approached a young woman as she was pulling into Planned Parenthood, and offered to take her across the street to Thrive's mobile medical unit.

Patricia, the volunteer - who gives credit to the Holy Spirit for this turnaround - said the woman was surprised but grateful for the alternate opportunity provided by Thrive.

"Sometimes," Brian said, "all it takes are the prayers of some faithful volunteers and a brochure to help women realize that there ARE other options besides the abortion agenda of Planned Parenthood."

Here's today's devotional from Rev. Paul Stallsworth, president of Lifewatch (United Methodist Church)...

Day 6 intention

That knowing the shortness of life, all may value it more deeply.


Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the well. Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.

-- Ecclesiastes 12:6-7

Reflection by Rev. Paul Stallsworth

God is giver of all life. Short lived or long lived, human lives are lived out in this world. The metaphors for death are many. But their meaning is clear and singular: all will die. Even so, death is not the absolute end. It is not the end of the story. For as certainly as God gave life, at death the life or spirit that God gave returns to God.

By God, we are created. For God, we live our given days. To God, we return at the end of our earthly days. And with God, we live through eternity. Clearly, all along the way, this gracious, loving God is with us. No human life is random or alone. No human life was created without purpose. Not one human life is without destiny.

All human lives, acknowledged or not, are related to God -- from beginning, to end, throughout eternity. Therefore, in this world, all human lives are to be respected and protected, for their lives are signs of God's sovereignty.


O God, we too often try to live in ways that ignore our coming death. We forget that our days are numbered by You, that at the end of our days your judgment awaits, that You are the Lord of our destiny.

Help us to repent daily, and then to live each day in joyful obedience. Lead us to live in the light and promise of eternity. Prepare us to live fully and sacrificially. Prepare us to die faithfully and hopefully, so that we might live forever with You. Through Jesus Christ, who has gone before us, we trust and hope and love and pray, Amen.

Printable devotional

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