
Friday, September 6, 2013

Douglas Karpen, The Texas Gosnell

From Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance 

Forty years ago the Supreme Court shoved abortion-on-demand down our throats. A decision which has ultimately resulted in the merciless slaughter of 56 million unborn babies to date.

The fact is that until we pass a Life at Conception Act in the U.S. Congress, we will never truly see an end to the silent holocaust of abortion. And recent examples of the horrors of abortion strengthen my resolve to fight even more.

By now, you have undoubtedly heard of the notorious Kermit Gosnell. In his “House of Horrors,” Gosnell would routinely deliver babies, and then kill them. Of course, you and I understand that as horrifying as Gosnell’s brutal murder of newborn infants is, had he done the same things a few minutes earlier, it would have been perfectly legal.

The pro-abortionists would love for you to think that abortion is safe and rare, and that Gosnell is an anomaly. However, in the wake of the Gosnell case, the floodgates have opened, and it has become clear just how common it is.

Currently, Texas state officials are investigating abortionist Douglas Karpen for performing illegal pre and post-birth abortions. Three former employees recently came forward, exposing Karpen’s grisly business.

They reported on the hazardous and filthy conditions of his abortuary, the lack of medical training of his assistants, and his crude, rough and sometimes violent mistreatment of patients.

In order to dodge the law, the former employees report that Karpen would routinely manipulate ultrasound results to abort babies well past viability. “As long as patients had the cash, he was going to do it,” said one former employee. And for Karpen, that often translated into killing the baby after it was born.

One nurse said: “Most of the time the fetus would come all the way out before he either cut the spinal cord or introduced one of the instruments into the soft-spot of the fetus in order to kill the fetus.” “Either that or twisting the head off the neck with his own bare hands.” Karpen was even said to have inserted his fingers into the throats of the newborns, suffocating them to death.

The last time Karpen faced major scrutiny was in the late 1980’s when he was sued for performing an illegal abortion procedure on an underage 15 year old girl, killing her and her unborn baby in the process. Since then, local officials largely turned a blind eye to his business — until now.

The one thing that is clear is that this kind of thing is not at all as rare as the pro-abortion community would like us to believe. But of course, we can hardly expect anything different from those who believe that some lives have no value and who treat human life as “throw-away.”

Cases like Karpen and Gosnell highlight the absurdity of the notion that killing a baby can be justified by whether or not it happens to be located inside or outside of the womb.

Indeed, thanks to Roe v. Wade, the only reason Karpen or Gosnell are even remarkable is that they allowed the babies to be born before killing them.

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