
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

PA is a Leader in Fight to Protect Women, Babies

 In the past 3 years, 54 abortion centers
closed in the U.S., 5 in Pennsylvania


By Micaiah Bilger, Education Director
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

Five. That's the number of abortion centers that have closed here in Pennsylvania in the past three years.
Our Commonwealth is third among states where abortion centers have closed, according to a recent state-by-state analysis by the Huffington Post. Only Arizona and Texas saw more shut their doors.

In the past three years, 54 abortion centers have closed or stopped performing abortions, according to the analysis.

The five in Pennsylvania closed because they could not or chose not to follow common sense health and safety standards for their patients.

The Kermit Gosnell case here in Philadelphia heightened awareness about the rampant, unregulated practices of U.S. abortion centers. After discovering the Gosnell atrocities, Pennsylvania woke up to the realization that abortion centers can't police themselves. Women were being hurt, and babies were being murdered after they were born alive.

Sadly, pro-abortion governors had stopped abortion center inspections in Pennsylvania, but Gov. Tom Corbett resumed them. Our elected officials took the necessary steps to start protecting women and their families from abortionists like Gosnell in our state. They passed Act 122.

The Pennsylvania tragedy got other states thinking - Were there more abortionists like Gosnell hurting women and their families within their borders?

Gosnell and Pennsylvania's response to him rightly prompted action all across the country - states are stepping up against the pro-abortion lobby and demanding that women and their families be protected.

Now, we have 54 fewer abortion centers. The Huffington Post unsurprisingly doesn't give many details about why these centers closed, but we know from other news reports that Gosnell was not an anomaly.

Through education and advocacy, we're keeping a watchful eye on Pennsylvania and making sure our laws are enforced for the sake of women's health and safety.

Petition to Enforce PA Abortion Center Regulations

Sign our new petition here and call on state officials to enforce Pennsylvania laws to protect women and babies from late-term abortionists -- "other Gosnells."


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