
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Planned Parenthood's Abortion Victims

The following was presented by a long time pro-life advocate, Terry Noble, to the Board of Supervisors in Warminster Township in SE Pennsylvania.  While she was specifically speaking about the Planned Parenthood in her neighborhood; her remarks are true of all Planned Parenthood facilities across our nation.  

Planned Parenthood facility in Warminster, PA

Many people believe that Planned Parenthood is a caring non-profit looking out for the best interest of women.  But when you take a closer look into this $1.5 billion dollar corporation, you find a very different picture.  

The First Victim - The Innocent Baby in the Womb

Our founding fathers placed the first right, the right to life as preeminent in the Declaration of Independence. Life was considered sacred in the womb until 1973, when 9 Supreme Court Justices legalized the killing of children in the womb. Since then, 55 million babies have lost their lives because of this ruling. Those who support abortion hide behind the Supreme Court decision and say it’s “legal”; slavery was also legal. We who support life say it’s immoral and violates the inalienable right to life.

Proponents of abortion tell women they should not have to bear a child who is unplanned. My husband was not planned. His parents were struggling to provide for their two sons. My youngest brother, my grandson, a nephew and some of my friends were unplanned/unwanted pregnancies. I think of how different my life would be if they were not here. Think about those members of your family and your circle of friends and the vacuum they would leave in your life if they had been aborted. For every baby aborted there are dozens of couples desperate to adopt.

Second Victim - The Mother

For decades, women have been told that they have an alternative to an unwanted pregnancy. They’ve been told abortion is a safe and simple procedure, no more than having a tooth pulled. This is far from the truth. Now many women are speaking out. Some have died and many suffer lifelong physical and psychological consequences. Some are unable to conceive after an abortion. PP is not subject to the same regulations that outpatient clinics.

Many young girls in a crisis pregnancy who choose abortion do so under pressure from parents, family, friends, and boyfriends. Eighty percent of women and young girls believe they have no other choice.

85% to 95% of women regret their abortion. Many of these women suffer in silence from post abortion syndrome. Symptoms include nightmares, anxiety attacks, flashbacks, drug and alcohol abuse, depression and suicide. These symptoms may occur immediately or years later and can last a lifetime. PP does not inform women of these potential serious consequences of abortion that all health professionals discuss with their patients before any procedure. As a result, the organization, Silent No More, was founded to help these women heal emotionally, mentally and spiritually. They want women to know they regret their abortion.

Third Victim – The Forgotten Victim (Fathers) 
As more women are publicly admitting their regret after their abortion, it’s unheard of for a man to admit to being a father of an aborted child. A close family friend confided to me and my husband and that when he was a young man, his girlfriend became pregnant with his baby. She decided to have an abortion. He tried to talk her out of it and promised to love and support her and the baby. She went through with the abortion and to this day still suffers and mourns the loss of his child.

Fourth Victims -Siblings

Not many are aware of siblings who suffer as a result of knowing that their mother had an abortion. One woman I knew confessed that she had two abortions and told her teenage daughter. Her daughter became angry and bitter toward her mother because she was raised as an only child and could not understand how her mother could abort her siblings. It took a long time for the relationship to heal. Other siblings suffer from the thought they could have been aborted instead of their sibling.

Fifth Victims - Grandparents

Many parents look forward to the day when their grown children marry and bless them with grandchildren. I have 5 grandchildren and could not imagine life without even 1 of them. A member of our family, who was 18 at the time, told her mother she was pregnant. If she had gone to PP first, she would not have her wonderful son today and her mother would not know the joy of her grandson. How do I know this? I spoke with a woman who had gone to PP as a teenager. They told her not to tell her parents as this would upset them. They also told her that she would not go to college and it would ruin her future. Even though today she is married with children, she has always regretted that decision, even trying to replace the baby she lost through abortion. After many years, she still suffers from its consequences. The victims of abortion are in the millions and touch all of our lives.

Post Abortive Organizations

Rachel’s Vineyard is one of four Post Abortive organizations.  They exist solely to help mothers wounded by abortion.  They also help in the healing of married couples, mothers, fathers, grandparents and siblings of aborted children, as well as persons who have been involved in the abortion industry.  They come to Rachel's Vineyard for weekend retreats in search of peace and inner healing.  They are located all across America and in other parts of the world.  

Alternative Resources:  Crisis Pregnancy Centers and Crisis Pregnancy Home

There are over 4,000 crisis pregnancy centers across the nation.  There are 33 CPCs, & 8 Crisis Pregnancy homes in Southeast PA.  In Bucks County there are 4 CPCs and 1 CP Home.  PP does not refer women to these agencies.  One would ask why?  PP has no incentive to refer.  They are not required by law and the revenue from the abortion would be walking out the door.  Abortion is big business and creates almost half of their revenue.  PP’s website discourages women from going to CPSs stating that they are fraudulent.

Here is a partial list of alternative centers We invite everyone to send us a list of centers in your area to add to our list.

Planned Parenthood’s Statement
PP is the largest abortion provider in America.  The Planned Parenthood website states children can make “responsible decisions” regarding sex, birth control and abortion. What 15 year old do you know can make a responsible decision on everyday problems, let alone sex, birth control and abortion.  PP further states, “As part of its ongoing advocacy to protect and enhance reproductive rights for all Americans,” they began a campaign to “safeguard minors’” access to abortion.”  PP opposes all laws that would give rights to parents on such matters, even the right to be informed.  Which parent here would agree with such outrageous statements and the usurpation of parental rights concerning the health and wellbeing of their child?

In 2000, the Warminster zoning board became involved in aiding PP in the killing of unborn babies by approving their petition to perform abortions.  Since then, 12,000 unborn babies have been killed at the Warminster Planned Parenthood.  In 2012 there were 919 abortions performed at this facility.  The statistics are 1 out of 3 pregnancies ends in abortions.  When the students of William Tennet graduate next year, 1/3 of their classmates will be missing because of abortion.  Ponder those numbers and try explaining that to our graduates.  

Living in Warminster has many benefits, advantage, and conveniences that improve our lives and those of our children and grandchildren.  Planned Parenthood is not one of them.  Out of the 329,445 abortions by PP in 2010 generating an estimated $135 million, just 841, ¼ of 1 percent of women, were referred to adoption services and none to alternative agencies.  If PP is so concerned about a woman’s “choice”, why are they so opposed to giving them information concerning available help and alternatives to abortion and why so few choose adoption?  It’s a business and less abortions means less revenue.

There’s been much talk about the war on women.  The war on women starts in the womb; the war on women refuses to give all the facts about abortion and its serious consequences.  The war on women prevents them from making a “choice” to save the life of their unborn child by letting them know all the help and resources before they make their irreversible decision.  The real war on women is taking place right here in Warminster by PP.  

As township supervisors and residents of Warminster, let’s work together so that women can have all the knowledge and resources available to them.  By offering alternatives to abortion and giving women all information regarding their health and wellbeing, we can put PP in Warminster out of business. 

“Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death; don’t stand back and let them die.” Proverbs 24:11

We must not; we cannot stand back and do nothing.  Let’s end this war on women and the slaughter of innocent babies by Planned Parenthood in Warminster Township.

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