
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Unconnected dots - Rep. Wasserman heartbroken by Syrian child victims… supports chemical abortion?

by Lauren Enriquez
Live Action News

In a CNN debate on September 4- the eve of today’s vote on Syria authorization – Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida argued with Republican Congressman Michael Burgess about the need for American intervention in the Syrian civil war. U.S. intervention is being considered because Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad is being suspected of having used chemical weapons on his own people. These people were civilians, and among them were hundreds of young children. The civil war has also created two million refugees, half of whom are children, according to the United Nations, who are calling these million children a “lost generation.”
In a poignant summary of her opinion that U.S. involvement is necessary, the congresswoman said the following:
"As a mother, to me, I have an indelible searing imprint on my mind after seeing the pictures of those babies lined up. We have a moral responsibility to respond."
It is an unimaginable tragedy and utter injustice that hundreds of Syrian children appear to have died at the hands of the man who is designated to look out for their welfare. Wasserman Shultz overlooked fundamental flaw in her argument when she observed America’s moral responsibility to respond: Wasserman Shultz has spent her career ensuring that chemical and other forms of death continue to be protected by law and carried out on the babies in her own country.

story continues here 

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