
Tuesday, September 3, 2013


From John Pisciotta, Director of Pro-Life Waco

1. Tuesday mornings: Abortions committed in Waco.
2. Join the Waco vanpool to the Bryan celebration of closing Planned Parenthood
3. A really hot Life Chain in Waco.
4. Second Sunday, Sept. 8, with Jim Sedlak from A.L.L. as our speaker.
5. Waco will participate in National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children on Sep. 14

 1. Tuesday mornings: Abortions committed in Waco.
Tuesday has become abortion day in Waco at PP at 1121 Ross Avenue. Last chance to stand and pray for the innocent unborn to be spared and for spiritual renewal for their moms. Let us pray and stand publicly for an end to abortion in Waco

2. Join the Waco vanpool to the Bryan celebration of closing Planned Parenthood
God blessed Bryan, along with Midland, in August with the closure of their abortion facilities. There will be a very large celebration for the Bryan closure from 10 a.m. to about noon of September 7 (Saturday) in Bryan.  Go here to check it out.

If you want to join the van pool from the St. Mary's parking lot in Waco Please let me know! We will depart on Saturday, September 7 at 8 a.m. PLW will rent a minivan for the occasion. What a celebration this will be!

3. A really hot Life Chain in Waco.
Thanks to the 15 pro-lifers from 9 to at least 69 years of age who withstood the heat for Waco monthly Life Chain last Sunday. Because we were there is difficult weather; I believe our messages for life were particularly powerful. Sunday, October 6 is National Life Chain Sunday. Mark your calendar to participate in a super turnout. We will start at 2 p.m. and stretch it out to 3:30 in October. The location is the corner of Valley Mills and Waco Drive.  Park by Pei Wei Restaurant.

4. Second Sunday, Sept. 8, with Jim Sedlak from A.L.L. as our speaker.
September 8 is Second Sunday pro-life gathering in Waco. Location is St. Mary’s Parish Hall (15th Street and Columbus). Jim Sedlak, V-P of American Life League, will be our speaker at 1 p.m.  Jim is an expert on battling Planned Parenthood. Jim will be speaking in Bryan at the Saturday celebration there and will then come to Waco to be with us.  What an honor it is for Pro-Life Waco to have this titan of the battle for the Gospel of Life with us! Of course, we will have a terrific meal served buffet style during the noon hour. If you have not partaken of a Second Sunday, this would be a good day to give it a try.  Meal is just $3 for adults. Children free. I have been told that the true value of the meal is a 3 followed by a zero. If you are driving or flying in to Bryan on Saturday the 7th, I invite you to join us in Waco the next day.

5. Waco will participate in National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children on September 14
It is called the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. This solemn event will take place across America and right here in Waco. On Saturday, September 14, Waco citizens will gather at the Planned Parenthood abortion facility at 1121 Ross Ave. At 10:00 AM a vehicle funeral procession will depart from Planned Parenthood.   The route will take us past the now-closed abortion facility on Columbus Avenue and end at Rachel's Park Memorial at 4720 North 19th Street. At Rachel's Park Memorial, we will gather for a memorial service led by local ministers and pro-life leaders who will call Waco to remember "the least of these." This is the first year for the National Day of Remembrance. Please come out and help make this a success. Planned Parenthood bears the profound responsibility for committing 20,000 abortions in Waco. For more information contact Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas at 254-715-3134.

Finally, I just received a notice on a special book on parenting. The title is Beyond the Birds and Bees: Raising Sexually Whole and Holy Kids. Check it out.
for more info on these events contact John Pisciotta at

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