
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

40 Days for Life Campaign - Day 7

From Shawn Carney
Campaign Director

It's now a week that this campaign has been under way in 306 cities in ten countries on four continents.
Even with all of those locations, you probably participate in the one closest to you. But some travelers have visited vigils in other cites -- and some, even vigils in other countries!

Memphis, Tennessee



Stephanie in Memphis says their 40 Days for Life vigil got off to a great start -- boosted by some visitors from Australia.

She said a man on a bus waved at the prayer volunteers, which isn't unusual. But a few minutes later, she saw that same man and a companion approaching on foot.

"He said he knew as soon as he saw us," she said, "that he and his traveling partner had to get off and come and pray with us. So they got off at the next bus stop and walked all the way back."

Michael and his friend Terese are both from Australia and have taken part in 40 Days for Life at home. As the bus drove past Planned Parenthood, they saw the people praying outside.

"Within ten seconds, we said 'let's get off and join them,'" Michael told her. "It was the Holy Spirit."

"You know sometimes people don't appreciate the gift of life," Therese said. When she saw the group praying, she said, "What a great job these people are doing. It's hard work."
Not long afterward, word reached the volunteers that a young mom had rejected abortion.

Stephanie said, "I stand in awe and in amazement of how God uses us on the sidewalk!"

Sarasota, Florida


A group of more than 60 helped launch the 40 Days for Life vigil in Sarasota... praying in front of the largest Planned Parenthood abortion center in Florida -- a building that also serves as Planned Parenthood's state and regional headquarters.

The opening event was a show of Christian unity, with six members of the clergy from different faith communities sharing reflections and leading prayers.
And now here's today's devotional from Fr. Terry Gensemer, the National Director of the Charismatic Episcopal Church for Life...

Day 7 intention

May we have a heart and a zeal to save the poor and release the oppressed.


The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed.

-- Luke 4:18-19

Reflection by Fr. Terry Gensemer

This passage is a very familiar one. It has been preached on many occasions, even made popular in books and songs. Though the quote is about Jesus, all Christians take this commission seriously as a directive on how to reach the world with the gospel.

We, like our Savior, are to bring the good news to the poor, the brokenhearted, those in captivity, those who cannot see, and the oppressed.

The commission given to us in this passage is clearly a charge to care for those for whom God cares the most. I wonder though, whom do we look for to be touched by the Holy Spirit as we go out into the world?

Who are the poor, if not those unborn children who have been abandoned by their parents before they ever leave the womb?

Who are the brokenhearted, if not those unborn children whose only example of love is having their mother take them to an abortion clinic to be destroyed, or the mother of a child who has been deceived by everyone around her into believing that what she is doing is best for her and her child?

Who are the captives, if not those unborn children who are bound over to death by the "choice" of abortion?

Who is more blind than an unborn child in the darkness of a womb that has become a waiting room for their death?

And who is more oppressed than those unborn children whose oppression has been legitimized by their government, their church and even their family and loved ones?


Lord, You empower us with Your Spirit to do your will in the earth. Send us to the poorest, the most broken, the most captive, the most blind and the most oppressed in the world, the innocent pre-born children in their mother's wombs that are scheduled for destruction. Help us to bring them healing, liberty, sight and justice through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Printable devotional

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