
Saturday, October 5, 2013

In Obamacare Controversy, Don’t Forget The Unborn!

From Carol Tobias, National Right to Life President

With all the controversy swirling around Obamacare, we should never forget what this law will do to lead to more abortions and denial of life-saving medical care.

Abortion:  National Right to Life was the first organization to point out that every federal taxpayer will be helping to subsidize insurance plans in the new federal and state health exchanges that cover elective abortions.  This is true even if you live in a state that has voted against using taxpayer dollars directly for abortion.

Rationing:  The law gives federal bureaucrats the power to impose rationing standards on all health care providers that would require them to deny some lifesaving treatments even if the patient is willing and able to pay for it.

Violations of conscience rights:  Under Obamacare, even those with conscience objections will be forced to help subsidize abortion coverage with their tax dollars; others are being told to pay for what is objectionable to their faith.

Abortion, rationing, violations of conscience rights:  National Right to Life has been fighting these evils since the day Obamacare was introduced, and we will continue our fight until this deadly law is removed from the statute books.

Please help us in that crucial and ongoing fight.  It’s a fight we MUST win!  Your donation will help us warn the public about threats to their loved ones in Obamacare, and tell them how the law FORCES them to pay for abortion coverage and other things they find morally objectionable with their tax dollars.

Together we can repeal this law!  Please help that happen with your generous support today!

Use this link to make a tax deductable contribution to National Right to Life


NRLC Mission Statement

The mission of National Right to Life is to protect and defend the most fundamental right of humankind, the right to life of every innocent human being from the beginning of life to natural death.

America’s  first document as a new nation, The Declaration of Independence, states that we are all “created equal” and endowed by our Creator “with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life…” Our Founding Fathers emphasized the preeminence of the right to “Life” by citing it first among the unalienable rights this nation was established to secure.

National Right to Life carries out its lifesaving mission by promoting respect for the worth and dignity of every individual human being, born or unborn, including unborn children from their beginning; those newly born; persons with disabilities; older people; and other vulnerable people, especially those who cannot defend themselves.  Our areas of concern include abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the killing of unborn children for their stem cells.

National Right to Life works to achieve its mission through education, legislation and political action.  Its activities include  providing research, educational materials,  information and leadership training for effective right-to-life citizenship as well as sponsoring legislation which will advance the protection of human life and supporting the election of public officials who defend life.

National Right to Life welcomes all people to join us in this great cause.  Our nation-wide network of 50 affiliated state groups, thousands of community chapters, hundreds of thousands of members and millions of individual supporters all across the country act on the information they receive from us.

The strength of National Right to Life is derived from our broad base of diverse, dedicated people, united to focus on one issue, the right to life itself.  Since National Right to Life’s founding in 1968 as the first nationwide right to life group, it has dedicated itself entirely to defending life, America’s first right.

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