
Sunday, October 20, 2013

NJ Catholic Conference: "Act Now to Stop Assisted Suicide: Oppose A3328/S2259"

From Faithful in the 8th

  As per the New Jersey Catholic Conference, trouble is brewing in Trenton:

    "Two bills that would allow physician assisted suicide could be voted on in the legislature after the November 5, 2013 elections.  A3328 and S2259 would allow a person diagnosed as having six months to live as the result of a terminal illness to request and receive a lethal prescription of drugs to end his or her life.  In short, these bills say that if you are in pain, the state will assist you to commit suicide."
Please share this information with your friends and family in the Garden State.  

The NJ Catholic Conference has a web site set up, to facilitate contacts from Jersey folks to their legislators on this issue:

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