
Friday, October 25, 2013

Senate to Vote on Obama Judge Who Said Abortion Frees Women From “Conscription Into Maternity”

by Steven Ertelt

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid plans to file cloture on the nominations for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit when the Senate returns next week from its recess. That will have the Senate voting on one of the most pro-abortion nominees President Barack Obama has put forward for any court.

In September, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved pro-abortion Cornelia Pillard, a law professor President Barack Obama selected for an appointment to the most important appeals court in the nation.

Pillard has written some pretty outlandish things — but Senate Republicans are hoping circuit court opinions won’t be added to the list. The President’s pick for the D.C. Circuit Court, one of the most liberal ever nominated, left plenty of Senators scratching their heads at her July Judiciary hearing.

 Among her most shocking statements, Pillard has called the ultrasound “deceptive,” argued that abstinence education is unconstitutional, and suggested that pro-life laws only “enforce women’s incubation of unwanted pregnancies” which projects a “vision of the woman’s role as mothers and caretakers.”

Pillard was voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on a straight party line vote of 10-8 with Democrats supporting her nomination and Republicans opposed.

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