
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Teaching Children Death Panels: School Pushes Euthanasia Assignment on Kids

by John Stonestreet

Just what are they teaching children in school these days? Well, when it comes to human dignity and medical ethics, we’d better pay attention.

It was the kind of assignment that makes you nostalgic for paper-mache volcanoes and baking soda. Freshmen and sophomores in a social studies class at St. Joseph-Ogden High School in Illinois were asked to make life-and-death decisions concerning people they’d never met.

 While the exercise was theoretical, the thinking involved in the exercise has real-world consequences. The lesson began by telling students that ten people shared a serious problem: Without access to a dialysis machine, they would all die.

Unfortunately, they were told, the local hospital only has enough machines for six of them. The assignment was to decide who got the treatment and who didn’t. The students were asked to rank the potential recipients from one, the person they most wanted to receive treatment, to ten, the person they least wanted.

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