
Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Power of Grace

 From Faithful in the 8th
Congressional District of PA

In surrendering the struggle to defend marriage in the Garden State, the National Organization for Marriage described New Jersey's Catholic governor as "a man who lacks the courage of his supposed convictions"(

While the secular press would have us believe that the Holy Father himself wants us to move on from marriage and human life concerns, NOTHING COULD BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH!

On Wednesday, the Vatican even released The Power of Grace- a remedial work, if you will, about the grandeur of marriage.

Use this link for article

"passion persuades and zealous action rallies supporters of a position, while timidity causes doubts and discourages supporters" (Pa Pro Life Coalition) 

On our own side of the Delaware, we are seeing action/inaction from Catholics sent to D.C. that mimics Chris Christie's lack of "courage of...supposed convictions."  While Senator Bob Casey openly opposes traditional marriage, (cf, "Respect forMarriage Act (the legislation that repeals the Defense of Marriage Act [DOMA])"), neither Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick nor Senator Pat Toomey are strong advocates for traditional marriage.

The USCCB supports H.R. 3133, the Marriage and Religious Freedom Act.

 The National Organization for Marriage has a special web site to send messages on HR 3133 and HJ Res 51:

 Use this link to find your legislators

The Pa Pro Life Coalition asks us to urge our representatives in Harrisburg to have their leaders intervene on behalf of Pa's own DOMA, in the ACLU lawsuit.  In addition, HB 1349 absolutely deserves our support, as it seeks to  strengthen Pennsylvania's Constitution, by adding this: "Marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman as husband and wife and no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid o rrecognized."  We need our state representatives and senators to oppose HB1647 / SB719, which seeks to destroy DOMA.

For those in PA - use this link to find out your state legislators

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