
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday Extra

The Front Page Cover

"November 2nd is a national day of prayer. Citizens are praying for the success of Larry Klayman as he prepares to ask for the removal of BH Obama. We need the power of all of our prayers. Thanks."

"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"

'60 Minutes' on Benghazi - The Foundation
"Rise up together as one voice"

"Be careful where you stand"

Syria: Kurdish militiamen took control of a key border crossing between Syria and Iraq on 26 October in an effort to prevent Syrian Sunni rebels with the al Qaeda-linked Islamic State in Iraq in the Shams (ISIS) and Jabhat al-Nusra from entering the region, according to a news outlet. The Kurdish militiamen seized the border crossing point in al-Hasakah Province in northeastern Syria after three days of fighting.
Comment: The Kurdish militiamen continue to beat and defeat the Syrian Sunni Arab fighters linked to al Qaida, who supposedly are the best fighters in the Syrian opposition. Kurdish control of border crossing points along the Turkish and the Iraqi borders helps contain the Sunni extremists. The Kurds represent a major obstacle to ISIS' plan to unite Sunni Arabs in Syria and Iraq in an emirate that ignores present borders.
BAIER TRACKS: HEAR, HEAR… “Most hearings on Capitol Hill never live up to the hype. They never seem to deliver the pointed questions that the American people want asked. They never seem to serve up the questions Washington journalists have been trying to get answered.  It always seems to be about lawmakers seeking their moment in the spotlight and a TV soapbox to rail against the administration or to rail against Republicans in order to score points with their supporters at home.  But, this hearing with Secretary Sebelius today MAY be different. It feels like a turning point. After two weeks of stories about the flubbed Web site, the new storyline is much more daunting for the administration. It’s about the substance of nObamaCare and about the veracity of the president's repeated sales pitch. While Democrats are tying themselves up with rhetorical gymnastics trying to explain the millions of people who have been dropped or will be dropped from their existing plans, it seems more and more likely that a delay of some type – a significant delay –may be in the cards. Bottom line: This hearing feels different. After SNL, Jon StewartJay LenoDavid LettermanJimmy KimmelStephen Colbert, and every major news organization have had their takes on nObamaCare’s major troubles, this may be a tipping point. We’ll see.” -FoxNews
1. From One nObamacare to Another 
In an attempt to divert attention from the mounting failures of his signature piece of legislation, President nObama is now back to beating the broken drum on amnesty...At a time when most Americans want Washington to focus on the economy and the federal budget deficit, the President is attempting to foist another massive nObamacare-style bill on us in the form of the Senate-passed amnesty bill. The House is considering various bills relating to different aspects of the immigration debate. Even though House leadership has promised not to pass a “comprehensive” immigration bill like the Senate’s, that is not good enough.
2. nObama Pushes NSA for Police State - Will America  Resist? 
There are some issues that conservatives and liberals should be able to unite  on. Sure, they may be few and far between, but they do exist...One of those  issues should be government surveillance on American citizens. Over the weekend  about a thousand of our fellow citizens gathered in Washington, D.C to protest the overreaching power that has been placed in the hands of the  National Security Agency (NSA). The NSA has been in the news far more often than it should be the last few  months, and much of the publicity has been extremely negative. Lately,  revelations of spying on the leaders of other nations has taken center stage –  but we cannot allow the international intrigue to distract us from the real  problem. That problem is the NSA’s  unwarranted observation of innocent American citizens.
3. nObama Loses the Middle East 
There are things that nObama just doesn’t understand. Like math. And health care. And alliances...Alliances are as vital to foreign policy as a website that works is to online health care enrollment, but nObama has given every sign of not understanding the concept of alliances. When Hillary Clinton came to Moscow bearing her misspelled Reset button, the button was real and reset every alliance to zero. During his two terms, nObama has managed to wreck nearly every alliance the United States had. The only alliances that survived were so low-pressure that even he couldn’t manage to destroy them.
4. Spies in the Classroom: CAIR vs. Campus Watch 
Samantha Bowden, the communication and outreach director for the Florida branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-FL), was doing something of which Campus Watch has been frequently accused...but has never done: spying on a professor in an effort to embarrass him and, with luck, even harm his career. Since its inception in 2002, Campus Watch (CW)—a project of the Middle East Forum that reviews and critiques Middle East studies in North America with an aim to improving them—has been charged with an array of outrageous calumnies. They include paying students to infiltrate classrooms as “spies” or “informers”; targeting “pro-Palestinian” professors; and tracking “anti-Israel” comments.”
5. The Al Dura Hoax and Europe’s Media Bias 
In the French socio-political climate, the drive to expose the truth concerning the Al Dura affair represents a critical point in unveiling a major obstacle to the citizens’ right to information...While single media outlets may have their specific tendencies and private agendas, the Al Dura issue highlights the fact that the French political class as a whole is ready to abandon the requirements of transparency and objectivity for the purpose of serving a certain set of interests. Since the beginning of the Al Dura affair, few in France or Europe have fully grasped the true nature of Mr. Karsenty’s fight to expose the hoax that falsely portrayed Mohammed Al Dura as the victim of Israeli aggression.
6. CBS: nObama admin knew that Benghazi was terror attack 
CBS’ 60 Minutes revisited the Benghazi terror attack last night, laying out the evidence that the attack was orchestrated by al-Qaeda on the anniversary of 9/11...It was “a planned, sophisticated attack” by AQ, and two security advisers have stepped forward to blow the whistle — as both repeatedly tried to do before the attack - This to me seems especially damning — and unknown to me in the specifics until last night:
7. Dershowitz on ‘Right to Choose’: 'I Can't Find it' 
Famed attorney, author, and long-time liberal commentator Alan Dershowitz said that he favored a woman's right to choose abortion but that he could not find such a right in the Constitution...“I can’t find anything in the Constitution that says you prefer the life of the mother, or the convenience of the mother if it’s an abortion by choice, over the potential life of the fetus,” said Dershowitz on the Oct. 13 CNBC Kudlow Report.
8. Nominee for Homeland Security ‘intimidated’ law enforcement 
Homeland Security nominee Jeh Johnson orchestrated a controversial  prosecution of a highly decorated immigration officer in what became the first  prosecution of a law enforcement official for civil rights violations...The case  attracted national condemnation from advocates of law enforcement and ultimately  led to a federal commutation. Immigration and Naturalization Service agent Joseph Occhipinti was sentenced  to 37 months in prison for an illegal consent search of Dominican-drug cartel  connected businesses as part of Project Bodega in 1991.
9. Reagan's Daughter: Why Am I Losing My Health Insurance? 
Former President Ronald Reagan's liberal activist daughter Patti Davis is asking  just what many other people across the United States want to know — why she's  losing her insurance... "Could the president please explain why I and  others are losing our health ins. plans? Wasn't supposed to happen!"Davis  posted on Twitter Friday afternoon.
10. The Left’s Continued Assault on the Truth About Benghazi 
The left-wing, George Soros-funded Media Matters has long held that the Benghazi scandal is a “phony scandal” and parroted the administration’s pronouncements minimizing the scandal...Now, they have penned a book, The Benghazi Hoax, which formalizes this theory. “The book—the first such endeavor for Media Matters, which is self-publishing it—was conceived of in the spring, as the congressional hearings on Benghazi were taking place, he [David Brock] said,” according to Politico, which focused largely on the pro-Clinton aspects of the book. Brock is described in the article as the “Media Matters founder and Hillary Clinton ally,” and it points out that Brock acknowledges that part—a “fraction,” he claims—of their mission is “Supporting the Clintons.”
'60 Minutes' on Benghazi - The Foundation
In Sunday night's episode of "60 Minutes," CBS correspondent Lara Logan reported even more damning information regarding the Sept. 11, 2012, assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that left four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, dead. It's now firmly established that al-Qaida was responsible for the well-planned attack and that the nObama administration lied about its being a spontaneous protest about a YouTube video, all in order to preserve its "al-Qaida is decimated" narrative in the lead-up to the 2012 presidential election. But Logan did have some interesting revelations.

Logan reported, "Sufian bin Qumu, a former Guantanamo Bay detainee and long-time al-Qaeda operative, was one of the lead planners." Bin Qumu was sent to Gitmo in 2002, but was transferred by the Bush administration in 2007 to Libya, where he was eventually released.

Logan also interviewed a former British soldier and security officer at the installation with the assumed name Morgan Jones. He told of the advance flags and warning signs he saw from the moment he arrived five months before the attack. First, there were the al-Qaida flags flying openly. Then there was the absence of any security forces when he arrived at the U.S. compound. He said, "They were all inside drinking tea, laughing and joking." Morgan says he spent the next five months warning about lax security to no avail. It's shocking that the warning signs were so clear, and yet nothing was done.

Greg Hicks, Ambassador Stevens' deputy based in Tripoli, spoke with Logan about the horror of learning during the attack that no help was on the way. "For a moment, I just felt lost," Hicks recounted. "I just couldn't believe the answer. And then I made the call to the Annex chief, and I told him, 'Listen, you've gotta tell those guys there may not be any help coming.' ... For the people that go out onto the edge, to represent our country, we believe that if we get in trouble, they're coming to get us. That our back is covered. To hear that it's not, it's a terrible, terrible experience." It's tragic that four Americans needlessly lost their lives, only to have their story lied about for political gain. Worse, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who was ultimately responsible for all embassy security, will run for president in 2016 based on her resume.

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