
Monday, October 28, 2013

Tweetfest on Wednesday Will Demand End to Hiding Abortion Funding in Obamacare

by Susan Tyrrell

Being forced to pay for abortion because of the secrecy of coverage is anti-choice., and, really, it’s also un-American. A new social media event seeks to highlight this and bring about change.

“Tell @Sebelius to #BeTransparent. Why won’t #Obamacare tell us which plans include #abortion?” says the sample tweet that is one of many for the Oct. 30 event, TweetFest: Tell Sebelius to #BeTransparent about Abortion Coverage in Obamacare, which takes place at a computer, tablet or smartphone nearest to you between 9 a.m. and noon next Wednesday.

 n 2013, one of the surest ways to draw attention to an important issue is by tweeting. Those sometimes silly #hashtags are a powerful media tool, often reaching millions of people, like an interwebs rainstorm. This social media phenomena is one reason “tweetfests” are growing in popularity.

Tweets like the one above are, created to draw attention to the deception shrouded in abortion coverage of the Affordable Care Act, aka, Obamacare. Sponsored by the Life Blast Prolife Social Media Project, and hosted by a number of pro-life agencies, this event is  demanding transparency to the public on the issue of abortion coverage in Obamacare, so that pro-lifers have a choice on which exchanges to purchase.

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