
Monday, November 18, 2013

Death of the Pro-Life Democrat: Few Remain Who Truly Oppose Abortionby Paul Kengor

by Paul Kengor
As the 112th Congress is sworn in, an already endangered species is nearing extinction in the Capitol Building: the pro-life Democrat. This increasingly rare bird is in the process of committing political suicide.
That the Democrats took a thumping in the mid-term election of November 2 is, of course, obvious. The dramatic switch from Democrat to Republican control of the House of Representatives is unprecedented in modern times. Over 60 seats changed from Democrat to Republican, giving the Republicans a huge majority.

Less-remarked upon, however, was the switch from so-called “pro-choice” legislators to pro-life ones, which, not coincidentally, accompanied that move from Democrat to Republican. Marjorie Dannenfelser, director of the excellent group Susan B. Anthony List, which seeks to elect pro-life women (from either party) to Congress, counts 38 switches from “pro-choice” to pro-life from the 111th to 112th Congress, plus another 14 seats where “unreliable” pro-life members were replaced with “reliable” pro-life votes. In all, 52 seats were “strengthened” into a more pro-life position.

Congressman Chris Smith (R-N.J.), a longtime pro-life stalwart, celebrates that this January marks “the beginning of the arguably most pro-life House ever.” Smith calls it “another message to President Obama that the American people will not be fooled by the Obama administration’s accounting gimmicks and phony executive orders. They expect their elected officials to stand up for life without backing down.”

This is a clear reference to the “Bart Stupak Democrats,” who voted yes on the “Obamacare” healthcare bill that provides taxpayer funding of abortion; they were duped into thinking that President Obama’s corresponding executive order will ban abortion funding. This was quite a leap of faith for these pro-life Democrats. Recall that one of Obama’s first acts of president was to overturn the Mexico City policy, thereby providing taxpayer dollars to groups like International Planned Parenthood. Most of those pro-life Democrats now find themselves no longer in Congress. Some, like Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper (D-PA), were defeated in landslides.

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