
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Got birth control?

by Judie Brown
American Life League

Bedsider, a project operated by the pro-abortion National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, rolled out a social media campaign intended to extoll the wonders of birth control. Dubbed “Shout Out For Birth Control Day” and using the hashtag #ThxBirthControl, the D.C.-based nonprofit celebrates birth control as the miracle drug that gives women everything they want, because apparently she shouldn’t have to concern herself with the normal and natural consequence of sex—a baby.

Cartoons on the website include the following phrases intended to entice young people: “9 months from now the only thing I’m expecting is to be more awesome.” “Doing the 9 to 5 thing for my career before I do the 24-7 thing for a baby.” “All my playdates are adults only.”

An education, a career, a visit to a far-off destination—who knew these goals to be impossible unless she’s pumping her body with artificial hormones?  Wait. There’s more to be thankful for:

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