
Friday, November 15, 2013

NEW VIDEO: Hotels Profiting Off Late-Term Abortion in Albuquerque

Live Action has released a second investigative video, highlighting what President Lila Rose has coined "room-service abortions" – and the hotels that profit off such sinister arrangements.


The new undercover recording released by Live Action features an investigator attempting to schedule a 25-week (six-plus-month) abortion appointment with Southwestern Women’s Options, Albuquerque’s notorious late-term facility.  After specifying that the late-term abortion comprises a “week-long procedure,” the staffer directs the investigator to the Plaza Inn – “a hotel that we work in conjunction with” – which offers room rate discounts and free transportation to and from all appointments.

Voters in Albuquerque, New Mexico will go to the polls this coming Tuesday, November 19, to vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance, which would ban abortions after 20 weeks’ gestation.  Research shows that children in the womb are able to feel pain at this point in their development, if not sooner.

“Albuquerque residents going to the polls on Tuesday need to be really clear about what’s going on here,” Rose said.  “Albuquerque is the late-term abortion capital of the world.  We see late-term abortionists doing ‘fly-ins’ to perform these procedures – dangerous for mothers, fatal for children – and local hotels providing free shuttle service to and from the rooms where many of these women get holed up to finish out the gruesome destruction of their babies.”

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