
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Not a Bad Start, But We're Behind..

As you know, LifeNews is currently in the middle of a $25,000 fundraising campaign to give us the financial support we need to continue our work as the #1 pro-life web site on the Internet.

Thanks to your support, we have raised $5936 of the $25,000 we need over the course of this three week campaign. At the end of our first week, LifeNews has raised over 23% of the funds we need to operate, but that is short of the 33% we should have by this point in our campaign.
Fundraising campaigns like this rely on a strong start and a good finish and we hope our hundreds of thousands of pro-life readers like you will lend a hand. Please don't assume that someone else will donate and provide LifeNews with the funds we need to continue reporting on the latest pro-life news each and every week. 

Most people don't give when they receive fundraising appeals. It's understandable. I get emails asking for donations on a daily basis and there is no way to be able to support every pro-life, Christian or conservative cause that comes along -- no matter how compelling their ministry.
So for those of you who read LifeNews regularly and appreciate the unique combination of pro-life news, analysis and opinion you don't get anywhere else, please support LifeNews today.

It's amazing to me ... everywhere I go I run into people who have received our pro-life news over the years. Some people just started receiving news from LifeNews this year. Other people have received our emails, our Facebook or Twitter updates or visited our web site regularly over the years. 

And then there are people who have received news from LifeNews for the 21-year period we've operated as the oldest and largest pro-life news service and one of the oldest pro-life web sites back when Al Gore claims to have invented the Internet. But no matter how long they have received LifeNews, they all are thankful for how it has blessed their lives and aided them in whatever pro-life ministry they do. We hope LifeNews is a blessing for you as well.

No matter how long you have received LifeNews, you know that we have provided timely, consistent, and professional news and analysis every year since 1992. And every year, you come through for LifeNews to bless us with the financial resources we need. Can you help us again?

You can be sure your donations only fund the pro-life mission of LifeNews. Every dollars goes towards the costs of producing, writing and disseminating pro-life news and information.
Please support LifeNews today with the largest donation you can.

Sincerely for Life,

Steven Ertelt, Editor

P.S. To make a donation, just head to our easy online donation page that will take you to two different options to make an online donation with your credit card or an electronic debit transaction. Or, you can fill out the form following this letter and mail a check to us (US readers only please).

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