
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Should Children Be Dismembered?

From Father Frank Pavone

Priests for Life periodically sends its pastoral team into the halls of Congress, to visit Representatives and Senators and challenge them to admit what abortion is.

We go into their offices with the quotes from abortionists and the diagrams of the procedure, and simply ask, "When you say the word ‘abortion,’ is this what you mean?"

This form gives you the opportunity to ask the question with us!

We want to be able to say to each member of Congress that there are thousands of people in their state and district who are asking the same question, and want an answer!

Fill out the information below and we will bring your name with us when we visit your Senators and Representative!

In the light of the Gosnell case, and the recent vote in the US House of Representatives to protect children from abortion after 20 weeks fetal age, we at Priests for Life are going to challenge the members of the United States Senate with the question of whether they think dismemberment abortion -- performed mostly in the second trimester of pregnancy -- should be permitted.

continue reading at

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