
Thursday, November 7, 2013


From Kristan Hawkins, President
Students for Life of America

For the past few months, Students for Life has been on the ground in Albuquerque, New Mexico helping with a very important project --- kicking out 2 of the last 4 late term abortionists in America out of the city, which is sadly being called the “Late-Term Abortion Capital of America.”

I visited the late-term abortion facility, which is just a block away from the University of New Mexico, back this spring. And it was one of the most heart wrenching things I've ever seen - a parking lot full of cars with out of state license plates, parents dragging their daughters hundreds of miles to abort their grandchildren in one of the most gruesome ways possible, and a city of people just passing by while babies who can feel pain were being torn apart.

But now, thanks to some of our courageous friends in Albuquerque, all of this could change.

On Tuesday, November 19th, the city will take a historic vote as to whether or not ban late term abortions (20 weeks plus) within its limits. Effectively, kicking out the 2 late term abortionists there and ending their preying on vulnerable college girls. This will be the first time in America, this action will have ever been taken.

…and your Students for Life #Stand4Life team will be there, on the ground, fighting for this life-saving ballot initiative, but I need your help!

This isn't in our annual budget, but I know we have to be there. Our voices must be heard.

Like we did in Austin, TX this summer, pro-life high school and college students from around the country will be joining together in Albuquerque the weekend before the election to show the nation that we are the pro-life generation. And our help is desperately needed to make phone calls, knock on doors, visit churches, distribute flyers, and more.

Polling data has shown that the vast majority of Americans and the citizens of Albuquerque support banning abortion at 20 weeks, but pro-lifers will need to have an outstanding ground game to secure victory as Planned Parenthood and their Culture of Death allies are already there spending millions to ensure this ban doesn't pass.

Already, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow has been featuring this historic vote on her nightly news show and the other side is worried.

We have vans leaving from Phoenix, the Colorado Four Corners area, and Colorado Springs full of students in the next week who will be traveling as far as 10 hours to get to Albuquerque. But in order to get them there, I desperately need your gift of even just $25 to pay for these van rentals, the gas money, hotel rooms, and meals for our students.

These kids are giving up a lot as volunteers, missing their studies and preparing to endure the ridicule of paid abortion staffers. Can you chip in just $25 today to sponsor one night's worth of lodging for one student or maybe as much as $250 which is what we estimate each student's expenses will cost for the weekend?

Winning this vote will save countless lives in the city that is home to the largest late-term abortion facility in America and where abortion is currently legal through all nine months of pregnancy, paid for by New Mexico taxpayers. We know that pre-born babies feel excruciating pain in abortions committed at 20 weeks and that late-term abortions carry significantly higher health risks for women.

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