
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

We Are Being Mocked!

 From Kristan Hawkins
President, Students for Life of America

You are not going to believe this one.

Students for Life has apparently been SO successful that some of those in the pro-abortion movement decided to make a play, mocking our organization and the entire pro-life generation.

That’s right, a whole play mocking Students for Life, our National Conference, and the pro-life students who are making a real difference on campuses across America.

 According to the writer, she was inspired to make this play after going undercover at Students for Life's National Conference and becoming “disturbed by how much enthusiasm there was for the pro-life issue amongst youth" and she wanted to show those in her movement our enthusiasm to abolish abortion in order "to wake up the pro-abortion movement”.

She even commented, that when we went to our National Conference that she "was really afraid to see all these people who had just come to the conclusion that they needed to abolish abortion on their own terms."

That’s right, we’ve been so effective at growing the pro-life generation, that our enthusiasm to abolish abortion has “disturbed” the pro-abortion side and made them afraid of this generation.

But here’s the kicker.

The writer admitted during the Question & Answer session after her New York City premiere that she had to rewrite several scenes of the play relating to fetal development, because they were actually causing her audience to question their pro-abortion beliefs!

This just goes to show you- every time you tell people the truth, the pro-life movement grows…. And the only way the pro-abortion side wins is by hiding the truth.

So how do we respond to this outrageous play? (I can't even show you our footage from the play because it is so sexualized and graphic.)

We keep doing what we are doing - changing the culture of our nation by simply speaking the student, one scared mom, one campus at a time. And we could really use your help today so we can keep spreading our Light, our truth- that every abortion ends a human life.

 They may mock us, but in the end we know where our final victory lies. And we know, we much continue marching forward!

Use this link to help support Students for Life of America

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