
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

42 Days for Life: What to do With a Bored Member of Congress?

by Tom McClusky - December 10, 2013
It's January 22, it is cold outside, it is the 41st anniversary of the horrific Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion and you are an elected Member of Congress.  Instead of staying indoors writing thank you notes to Santa for all the presents he brought here are some ideas for how pro-life elected officials can participate (and if by chance you are not an elected official please forward this to one):

March for Life suggestions for Hill Offices

Connecting the hundreds of thousands of pro-life activists who come to Washington, D.C. for the March for Life with their Members of Congress has been a strategic goal of the movement since the first March in 1974.  These Marchers come from every state and represent the growing pro-life majority in the United States.  More importantly, many of the Marchers are young and this is their first exposure to the federal government, and their first experience with the pro-life movement.  Making a connection with these students is investing in our country's future.
  • Record a video or write a blog post or an op-ed on the issue of life
    • The theme for the 2014 March is adoption; however, the theme should not be a limit.  Talk of your accomplishments on the pro-life issue, any aspect of it.  Personal stories are always a good way to connect.
    • We are also encouraging videos and op-eds on the topic of "Why We March" to explain the history behind the March, and what 41 years of Roe v Wade looks like.
    • For an op-ed,  you might even want to look to co-author a piece with the head of a pro-life organization
    • The March for Life will host your message on our website, and we will use all our resources (Twitter, Blog, Facebook, etc.) to share your message with our activists.  For further information, or to send a video, please contact

    article continues at

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