
Sunday, December 29, 2013

A New Pro-Life Generation

Teens at a "Youth for Truth" rally outside Planned Parenthood in Aurora, IL

A significant change in our culture has gone largely unnoticed: young people are more pro-life than their elders. Generations for Life is the Pro-Life Action League's outreach to this new pro-life generation.

Generations for Life empowers teens to be effective pro-life leaders by helping them to establish lively pro-life clubs within their own high school communities and youth groups. Visit the Generations for Life blog for the latest GFL news.
Transforming the Culture

Generations for Life is on the leading edge of a growing youth movement to transform the culture and usher in an era of reverence for all human life from conception to natural death—a culture in which all people, whatever their age, ability, background or physical condition, are treated as members of one human family and children of God.
Teens at Youth for Truth rally outside Planned Parenthood Aurora

The Pro-Life Action League was founded by Joseph M. Scheidler in 1980 with the aim of saving unborn children through non-violent direct action.

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