
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Center Against Forced Abortions

The Justice Foundation’s “Center Against Forced Abortions” or “CAFA” was created to provide legal resources to mothers who are being forced or coerced into an unwanted abortion.

  • Many teenage girls are being coerced into abortion by their parents
  • Pregnancy resource centers are generally unequipped to help legally defend these clients, and subsequently coerced abortions occur
  • Even under Roe v. Wade, the decision to keep the child is supposedly the woman’s alone, so theseyoung women’s rights are being violated when they are coerced into abortion
  • The Justice Foundation has created a ”Dear Parent Letter,” which (in a friendly, helpful, and serious manner) informs the teen mother’s parents that they could be guilty of illegal actions if they force their daughter to have an abortion
  • Combined with Life Dynamics’s Letter to Abortionists, which is a signed statement indicating the mother’s non-consent to an abortion, the two documents form a powerful legal defense that empowers the teen mother to stand for her child
  • Gives pregnancy centers a proven strategy to defend teens from parentally coerced abortions
  • Equips the teen mother with legal documents empowering her decision to keep her child
  • Trial distributions indicate the strategy is very effective (testimonies below)
  • If just one baby is saved at two out of every three pregnancy resource centers that receive the letter and training, then CAFA will facilitate the protection of 2,000 babies lives

Use this link to download resources to help mothers being forced into abortions 

The Justice Foundation protects the fundamental freedoms and rights essential to the preservation of American society. The Foundation represents clients free of charge in cases in the areas of limited government, free markets, private property, parental school choice, parental rights in education,k and enforcing laws to protect women's health.

 For more information or to talk to a lawyer, call (210) 614-7157 or email


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