
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Diary of an Unborn Child

Chronology of the New Life

  1. Immediately upon fertilization, cellular development begins. Before implantation the sex of the new life can be determined.
  2. At implantation, the new life is composed of hundreds of cells and has developed a protective hormone to prevent the mother's body from rejecting it as a foreign tissue.
  3. At 17 days, the new life has developed its own blood cells; the placenta is a part of the new life and not of the mother.
  4. At 18 days, occasional pulsations of a muscle - this will be the heart.
  5. At 19 days, the eyes start to develop.
  6. At 20 days, the foundation of the entire nervous system has been laid down.
  7. At 24 days, the heart has regular beats or pulsations.
  8. At 28 days, 40 pairs of muscles are developed along the trunk of the new life; arms and legs forming.
  9. At 30 days, regular blood flow within the vascular system; the ears and nasal development have begun. 
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