
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Innocent Blood and America's Lesser Magistrates

A Call for Total Abolition of Abortion

By Pastor Matt Trewhella
A recent Bloomberg news article entitled New Abortion Restrictions in States Are 0 for 8  in Courts encapsulates what has been the standard operating procedure regarding pro-life legislation for decades.
State legislatures pass a law designed to curtail or regulate the murder of the preborn, and then Federal courts or the Supreme Court strike the law down in order to uphold their unjust and immoral 1973 Roe. V. Wade ruling.

 I am writing this article to say -this needs to end. We have been waiting for decades to see
the Federal government that brought this bloodshed to the shores of our nation undo what  they have done. This is utter nonsense. It is playing with what Patrick Henry called "the  delusive phantom of hope."

 For years I have watched Christians and pro-lifers wait for a Federal remedy to abortion. It will never come. The Feds are the problem. They foisted this bloodshed upon our country and have kept it intact through their courts. Meanwhile, the lower magistrates act like there is nothing they can do -but simply obey - which is contrary to Scripture and the history of Western Civilization.

continue reading at

Matthew Trewhella is the founder of Missionaries to the Preborn ( and the pastor of Mercy Seat Christian Church ( He and his wife, Clara, reside in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area and have eleven children. He has written a book entitled The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: A Proper Response to Tyranny and A Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government which is available at or

You can also obtain it by sending a donation of twenty dollars or more to Missionaries to the Preborn P.O. Box 26931 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226. Please note that you would like a copy of the book.

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