
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Is it really about CHOICE?

Are you feeling lucky?
We hope you get this one right!
It centers around how the abortion conversation is framed in our society.
Question: "Most women who choose abortion are making a free and informed choice"
   A. True
   B. False
   B. False
Ok, ok... that was kind of a trick question.

Have you ever heard the phrases...
"It's a woman's right to choose"?
"Women should be free to do what they want with their bodies"?
"It's between a woman and her doctor" ?
This kind of language is used to frame the conversation about abortion. It's really what comes to mind for most people when they think of abortion.
This kind of language is not something that most people came up with on their own. It was actually engineered by the abortion movement to cast abortion in a positive light.
It's meant to make you feel bad for thinking that abortion is wrong.
It's meant to make you feel like all women who have abortions do so out of a totally free choice.
It's meant to make you think that abortion is about women's rights (forget about the baby).
Don't get us wrong, we're not saying forget about the woman! 
In fact, the abortion movement often says forget about the woman. No, no... we're serious...
Check this out...
Why would they be fighting for this 'FREE Choice' when...
Of women who had abortions:
52% felt rushed, 54% uncertain,

64% feel pressured to abort, yet

67% had NO counseling beforehand,

79% were not told of available alternatives

84% were not given enough information to make an informed choice.[1]
Does that sound like a very free and liberating experience?
Is abortion really about choice?
The fact is, most women feel forced into having an abortion. 
So, instead of supporting 'choice' (abortion) we should support pregnant women!
Supporting Women: Yet another great reason to be pro-life! : )

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