
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Priests for Life Lawsuit Hearing is Monday, December 9th


Judge to hear arguments in Priests for Life ObamaCare Lawsuit MONDAY!

From Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director
Priests for Life
Monday’s the day!

A judge in federal court in Washington DC will hear arguments in our Priests for Life lawsuit against ObamaCare’s abortion mandate (the “HHS mandate”) on Monday morning, December 9!


Storm heaven with your prayers.  Pray for the judge hearing our case.  Pray for the attorneys arguing our case.  Ask the Holy Spirit to fill them with His wisdom and prudence.

We need your unconditional support more now than ever before.

After more than two years, we’re finally having our day in court!  Remember, Priests for Life was one of the very first organizations to sue the Obama Administration over this mandate, back in February, 2012.

Now we expect to be among the first not-for-profit religious groups to get a ruling on the merits of the case.

I will be there in the courtroom, as will our Executive Director, Janet Morana, and our fulltime associate Dr. Alveda King.  The three of us are individual plaintiffs in this case, along with Priests for Life itself as an organization.

So much is riding on this case. And there's a hard deadline, too.

On January 1, only a few weeks from today, the mandate goes into effect for Priests for Life. If we don't comply, and if we are not protected by the courts, we will be fined $100 per employee per day!

That’s why we must win in court ... or face the very real possibility of the end of religious freedom in America! That’s not an exaggeration.

But whatever happens Monday, this much is clear: Court protection or not, daily fines or not, I have already told our insurance company that we will continue providing insurance to our employees, but will not comply with the Obama mandate.

We will obey God rather than men!

The Obama administration wants to use the might and power of the federal government to force you and me and all Americans to violate our consciences and take a direct and active role in the killing of our unborn brothers and sisters.

That is a direct attack on our First Amendment right to freedom of religion. This is unconscionable! It is no less than tyranny.  And that’s why our lawsuit is so important and why Monday is such a critical day for our nation.

So please ...

CLICK HERE and make an emergency contribution to Priests for Life’s Legal Fund so that we can sustain this important lawsuit!

Remember, in going after the HHS abortion-mandate of ObamaCare, we are up against the full might and power of the federal government.  President Obama and his pro-abortion allies have spared no expense to have our lawsuit thrown out of court.  And they have the entire U.S. treasury at their disposal.  They’ve held nothing back in their unbridled attempt to compel us to bow before the state.

In contrast, Priests for Life has only the financial resources which you and pro-life champions like you so lovingly and so generously provide.

Help us win a PERMANENT INJUNCTION against the tyranny of the ObamaCare abortion mandate.

Thank you.  And may God bless you.

And remember to include our lawsuit and the attorneys who are arguing our case in court in your prayers today, this weekend .. and especially on Monday.

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