
Monday, December 16, 2013

Talk about it...

 From John-Paul Deddens 
Why Pro-Life
The other day I mentioned how powerful it can be to just talk about abortion.
If you're like most people you probably have two possible reactions.
#1 - I don't like talking about abortion, it's uncomfortable...
#2 - What's the point? There needs to be a lot more than just talk!
I used to feel the same way...
I didn't want to talk to anyone about it because it was uncomfortable and awkward!
(FYI, there are some pretty easy ways to make it less awkward, but we'll talk about that later)
Also, I didn't bother in a lot of situations because I figured... What's the point?!
Bigger solutions are needed...
Here's the thing though, I realized that the simple act of talking about abortion can be a very powerful thing.
Abortion is a big problem, but does it really need a big solution?
A lot of people like to point to the Supreme Court or to Congress or to some other authority and blame them for abortion.
In addition to blaming them, they also put all responsibility for fixing this mess on the shoulders of that same authority.
I think this happens a lot as a default position.
It's one of those things that people say without really thinking about it that much.
We really want this horrible injustice to go away quickly. So, it's natural for us to look for 'silver bullet' style solutions. 
The problem is, this problem will not go away until the culture changes.
Even if the Supreme Court changes their mind... The killing will not stop until people change their minds and behaviors.
This is where you come in.
This is where you talking about abortion comes in.  (I know, it's uncomfortable, but you can overcome that easily)

Let's look at the numbers...
In recent opinion polls, it shows that a majority of people in the US say that they are pro-life. This majority is very slim.
So, let's just round it to 50%.
50% of the US is 150 Million people.
That is about 50 Million more people than the biggest cable news station!
So, if every pro-life person just had one conversation about abortion each week...
It would be more powerful than the largest cable news station!
Ok, so that is how a small thing like talking about abortion is actually a BIG solution :)
You can be a part of that BIG solution by just having small conversations. Nothing big, nothing too hard... I've done it. You can do it.

Think about it.
Talk about it.

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